
Friday, October 30, 2009

Web page question server?

I have uploaded my web pages to my bosses server. but this is the first time ive ever done this. does my boss still need to purchase a hosting and domain name so i can make it a web site? how to i know?

Web page question server?

If you want to setup a website you%26#039;ll also want to purchase a domain name.

You mentioned you uploaded the files to his server is this where the website will be hosted from? If so you don%26#039;t need a host - that%26#039;s what this server would be for. Aslo, if hosting from this system make sure it has a static IP address.

In addition to the above you%26#039;ll need a dns record setup that points the domain name to this computer.

You can host the dns records on the same server if you want to but you%26#039;ll need to specify the IP address of the domain server (dns) with your registrar of your domain name.

I hope this helps - if you%26#039;re still confused feel free to email me.

Can you guys please critique my new website.

Its a start up. Im selling host domains, email accounts, and various other products. But guys I really need your feedback

Can you guys please critique my new website.

Looks pretty good. Goodluck on your venture.

Can you guys please critique my new website.

Looks pretty good, you copied a lot from godaddy and it obviously works for them

Is their reseller program any good?

Good luck to you.

Webhosting with Godaddy question?

Hey I have the .htm file and its components complete, I bought the hosting and domain name package, went to FTP server and could not connect, is this even where I would be organizing the website layout? This is really new to me, thx for help.

Webhosting with Godaddy question?

Did you change the nameserver to point to godaddy, if yes allow 24-48 hours, then you can ftp, is ping working ?

Webhosting with Godaddy question?

FTP = File Transfer Protocall

Other Replys:From buying the domain to putting it on the host.

FTP - File Trasnfer Protocol

Is more difficult than a live install. Like using front page. see if your host offers such live changes.

FTP - What you will be doing is making changes on your computer and then transfering the files to the host.

If you connect with a program like front page or something that your host offers you can log on and make changes to the files that already exist on their server live.



Anybody Need A Website?

I am a student studying Web Design and I need to build some professional websites. If anybody knows of a business that needs one built, please let me know.

The business would have to pay for hosting and domain, but I would be willing to volunteer my services in order to build my resume.

Feel free to email me at


Anybody Need A Website?

If you want to promote your writing skill or service worldwide, or to find jobs that you might be interested in, you can use our website

By registering and creating a profile on our website, you will be able to post your bid on the jobs that you are interested in. Also, by displaying in your profile a description of the type of service you provide, contact info, even link to your website, you increase the chances to be found, contacted, and eventually hired for a job.

Try our service, it is FREE. What could you lose? Team

Anybody Need A Website?

No, but thanks anyways. You might try advertising on Yahoo Local.

Other Replys:I%26#039;m a just a content webmaster and not for Professional.

How do domains get their website on the internet?

I hope you understand this.

My e-mail address is if you%26#039;d like to contact me.

I would like to create a website and host my own domain. In other words, I would like to publish my own website with out using a website hosting provider.

What I want to know is:

How did Google get their web-page on the internet without paying a monthly/yearly fee to keep it running?

How do domains get their website on the internet?

They buy a server (or network of servers) and host it themselves.

How do domains get their website on the internet?

Basically you have to run your own webserver to match your domain name. However, that would mean you have to run the computer that runs your webserver 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Plus, depending on how fast your connection is to the Internet, if too many people visit you at once, your server will choke. That%26#039;s why it%26#039;s more cost effective to host it with a web host.

If you really do want to host for free, you can services like google apps. However, the service is limited and you can%26#039;t really design your site outside of their templates.

Other Replys:You have to use your own computer as a webserver a software was installed on windows 98 for that purpose but Windows XP has an option called IIS which you to enable from Add/Remove Programs %26gt; Add/Remove Windows Components there you will find IIS unchecked you have to enable that option and then start using your computer as a webserver. But for that purpose your computer must stay online 24/7 i.e. if you shut down your system after routine work then your website also goes down.

A better option for you would be to get a cheap domain %26amp; hosting if you need one then contact me at am providing web hosting %26amp; domain %26amp; web design services professionally.

Other Replys:You are wrong in your assumption. Google pays a *fortune* in monthly/annual fees to connect to the internet.

For instance, when I ping Google, I go over my DSL provider%26#039;s lines to Alter.Net in Philadelphia, over their lines to Level3 in Washington, to Level3 in Chicago, where Google has a private line.

Google has a contract with Level3. Level3 has a contract with AlterNet. AlterNet has a contract with my DSL provider. There%26#039;s money passing hands with each contract.

The internet is organized with a lot of big peering centers around the world. In order to connect to the backbone, you need to rent space in a peering center - and *then* negotiate a peering deal with one or more of the backbone carriers. Alternatively, you can make a deal with someone who isn%26#039;t as well-connected, and it%26#039;ll probably cost you less - but your users will have more hops to arrive at your site, and that lag time will affect how responsive your site appears to be.

I have five servers in a world-class data center. There are multiple gigabit ethernet connections to multiple internet backbones. It%26#039;s not just that my hosting customers deserve fast, responsive websites. It%26#039;s also that my hosting customers deserve good hosting rates, and this is the least expensive way to provide good hosting.

Can you publish a website under .com, but also register it under .net and .org so nobody else can ta

I have a website that is just about ready to publish. The domain name I found is available under all three: .com, .net. ,org. I obviously would like it to be hosted on all three, but do I have to register and pay monthly webhosting fees on all of them seperately?. Can I just host it on the .com domain, but also pay the yearly fee to register the other domains without actually hosting them? I don%26#039;t want anyone to take the .net and .org domains. Thanks

Can you publish a website under .com, but also register it under .net and .org so nobody else can take it?

As above, but to clear things up for you hosting and having a domain name are different things.

Paying for hosting is paying a company to have the files that make up your website sit on there webserver. You pay them for the traffic that comes to your site, just like you pay for uploading and downloading on your home internet connection to your ISP. Essentially everyone that views your site is downloading the files that make up your website from your webhosting company.

Paying for your domain name is paying to have your particular site name listed on DNS (Domain name server), so when someone types in the address of your website the request goes to there from their home computer to their ISP which in turn sends it to a DNS which can convert the %26#039;english%26#039; message to a IP address (ie. googles ip address is try putting that into a browser)

You can pay to register your address under any domain you would like, each of these will then point the visitor to your webhosting companies server which hosts your files.

Can you publish a website under .com, but also register it under .net and .org so nobody else can take it?

Yes good answers, you have to purchase all domain names, and redirect all domain to your main website. You can learn about search engine optimization at http://www.freelance-seo-servi... Report It

Other Replys:~ Buy those names at a reasonable prize

~ You can froward those names in your official page

Know what I mean?

Other Replys:Yes you can.

You can purchase the domain name extenders just like your .com from your domain host company.

You can also set it when someone goes to the .com or .net or .org they get directed automatically to your main .com site regardless.

Check with your hosting company or whoever you got the domain name from.

Hopefully your other extenders are not taken by someone who will want to sell you the extender at a terrible price.


Other Replys:Dear Mike,

the answers above are correct, I just want to add following tip:

The 2nd and 3rd domain name should use a %26quot;301 redirect%26quot; to your original domain.

Otherwise search engines would try to index the additional sites separately and detect %26quot;duplicate content%26quot; of your original site, and that can become a serious danger for your search engine rankings.

This is in detail explained in;id=12...

Example: is forwarded via %26quot;301 redirect%26quot; to

Good Luck for your Website!

Other Replys:You have to buy all the domains. Use .htaccess.

Other Replys:Buy the domains names and place a redirect to your main page. Your host can do that, if they don%26#039;t offer that service then - insert this code on your index page

%26lt;meta HTTP-EQUIV=%26quot;REFRESH%26quot; content=%26quot;0; url=

Good luck.

Membership, Password protection login for website?

Hi ive bought a domain, purchased a host package.

(basic beginners hosting)

I have used the host website builder for my website but im struggling.

1. I dont seem to be able to load any of my own buttons etc to use for hyperlinks. The host only provides taps at the top.

2. I want to set up a membership/login system but have no idea where to start. Any help would be really appreciated.

3. The webpages seem to start quite far across the page, for example there is a colum on the left of the page that does not let you type or put anything into it.. i cant work out why...

4. If i were to create my own webpages from my own web building software, how can i upload it to my domain? there doesnt seem to be a place that allows me to do this on my host.

sorry this is a long question...thanks

Membership, Password protection login for website?

1,3. Website builders are only good for really basic sites. I wouldn%26#039;t recommend using it. You can use graphical html editors such as dreamweaver or frontpage.

2. This can be done using a combination of PHP/HTML. Go to for good tutorials.

4. Your host most probably has FTP upload capabilities. Ask them if they do, and download FileZilla (an FTP client).

Membership, Password protection login for website?

%26gt;%26gt;1. I dont seem to be able to load any of my own buttons etc to use for hyperlinks. The host only provides taps at the top.

You need to ask them - are you using a WYSIWYG editor that they provide?

%26gt;%26gt;2. I want to set up a membership/login system but have no idea where to start. Any help would be really appreciated

A server side language (ASP, .NET, PHP) and a database (MS Access, MSSQL, or mysql) usually is the easiest. PHP is usually better on *NIX and ASP / .NET on Windows servers - what are you on?

%26gt;%26gt;3. The webpages seem to start quite far across the page, for example there is a colum on the left of the page that does not let you type or put anything into it.. i cant work out why...

Probably the WYSIWYG editor. Source code / URL would really help. You need to layout your site using divides or tables. Most use divides now but some people find using tables easier

%26gt;%26gt;4. If i were to create my own webpages from my own web building software, how can i upload it to my domain? there doesnt seem to be a place that allows me to do this on my host.

Most provide an FTP account to upload information. This would be better off if you asked them this question. There are thousands of hosting companies and each one has their own TOS and a way of doing things. But 99% of them will allow you to upload you own files. If you need a new hosting company - might be one to consider

Other Replys:Regarding #1, you%26#039;ll need to upload the buttons before you can access them. For example, create a directory called %26quot;img%26quot; upload your graphics to that directory and access them with %26lt;img src=%26quot;/img/button.png%26quot; /%26gt; (see answers to #3 and #4)

#2 - Membership system

You%26#039;ll either need to build one yourself, or purchase one.

Here are a couple to get you started,



Full disclosure, I own GenieGate.

#3 This is an HTML issue, the firs thing to do is work out the file names to their associated pages. For example, page.html.

Then edit page.html in a text editor or HTML editor, you should learn a little about HTML before doing this. (but see #4)

Actually, when you discover the hows and wheres of this, it%26#039;s really easy to do, but you have to take a few minutes and learn about ftp and such first, you%26#039;ll have understood why your own graphics aren%26#039;t being used for hyperlinks.

#4 - Check into your ISP%26#039;s ftp configuration, (or much *much* better, use sftp for security)

First step, get an (S)FTP program

Second step, ftp into your host. Often, this is the same as your domain name. (I realize this answer probably sounds like gibberish if you haven%26#039;t used ftp before.)

I recommend you get and explore ftp, the rest will make a LOT more sense after you%26#039;ve done that.

Can a website be hosted in USA but be picked up by a "pages in UK" google search?

I think this search type is based upon the location of server where the site is hosted. But I cannot change my hosting or my domain name, so How can I get listed in google UK if I%26#039;m hosted in France, for instance?

Can a website be hosted in USA but be picked up by a %26quot;pages in UK%26quot; google search?

It sure can...Though the UK google is quite UK baised.

Set you meta and other headers properly.

Good luck

Can a website be hosted in USA but be picked up by a %26quot;pages in UK%26quot; google search?

No %26quot;search type%26quot; is not based on the location of the server (the rankings might however differ depending on the Google data center). There is a nice article I found -

I would suggest you put your site in the DMOZ directory and the different international Google search pages will pick it up from there. Also try to get some inbound links from UK specific web site - yes, this should definitely help.

Help me in selecting packges.?

I need web hosting for my domain name. I want a PHP Forum for this domain and web hosting.

Please give me some websites that gives web hosting and a featured PHP forum for my domain name . This websites must offer thier packages in range of $1 to $4 . Please give me some URLs.

Help me in selecting packges.?

Try HQ Host

How to make a DNS service for sub-domains?

If i have a domain and make a sub-domain for it, how is it possible that i redirect my sub-domain to any host or stuff using a DNS service? is there any script or something by which this can be done? i am not asking a script which can also make sub-domains automatically. I am just asking a DNS service for ONE sub-domain.

Please help me

How to make a DNS service for sub-domains?

Well, just for you information...

If you have domain like

then is what you are looking for right?

See! while uploading website you have follow certain folder structure.

Where the root folder is on host server and the first page is index.html :)

so its quite easy you have to put another folder called

*subdomain* in your root folder i.e.

and you are done.

well,you can use scripts which will eventually make folder in root folder.


You can do it manualy.

hope this will help


How to make a DNS service for sub-domains?

In your zone file, add an NS record for the sub domain.

Other Replys:If you want to redirect the sub domain to a different ip address just add an A record in the DNS server and enter the new ip address. For example, if you have an A record for that points to you can add another A record that points to a different ip address for If you are wanting to host multiple subdomains on a single ip address you follow the same approach but iis has to be configured with the appropriate host headers to redirect the site. There is similar configuration required for Apache if you want to use a single ip address. The web page itself could perform the redirect too but that would not be as efficient.

Hope that answers your question.

Anyone else been the victim of godaddy?

has anyone else been fooled by go daddy ? I bought a domain name and hosting from godaddy and was then hit with an unannounced fee for registration of $35 when we attempted to publish.

All-NEW Upgraded Plans! Get - and keep - your site on the %26#039;Net with a safe, reliable host.

All-NEW Upgraded Plans! Get - and keep - your site on the %26#039;Net with a safe, reliable host., North America%26#039;s largest host*, offers plans ideal for most individuals and small businesses. We%26#039;re the affordable, reliable place to host your site -- with no ad banners or pop-ups, and 24/7 support. And unlike the competition, there%26#039;s no set up fee and no annual commitment required. So this is all b.s they even tried to an auto renewal on our card.

Be careful when dealing with them.

Anyone else been the victim of godaddy?

Nope but thanks for the warning .. that sort of thing really sucks!

Anyone else been the victim of godaddy?

Thanks for the warning.

Other Replys:they sound rubbish.

poor you


Other Replys:Hmm, did you think to ask google about possible problems with GoDaddy........

Other Replys:I tried GoDaddy but switched to 1%26amp;1.

1%26amp;1 has great prices, good service and the BEST

price on domain registration. For ~$6/year, you get a your own domain, a 5 page website, a 1G mailbox, an easy to use sitebuilder, etc. For more than that, use 1%26amp;1%26#039;s hosting, you get the domain name(s) for free. Their least expensive hosting is


Other Replys:there are many cons like that one has to be very careful.

Help Wanted to setup a Website?

Hi Guys....i%26#039;ve been into web designing for long...but all this time the machines on which the sites were hosted belonged to some existing domain or a hosting service.....i mean the hardware was always thr..i always dealt with the software....

Now i%26#039;m planning on getting my own domain and my own own server

I have no problem with the OS selection or any software problem with the domain purchase as well....

I want some help abt the server configuration....

I am currently in delhi and my budget is abt 50,000 INR

I Just need to know a proper hardware configuration....

would a Pentium D do fine or should i go for Xeon or Opetron type processors....and what abt RAM ????Help Me guys

Help Wanted to setup a Website?

go to

Help Wanted to setup a Website?

It depends on what traffic u hope to expect. 1 gig of ram atleast no less. Servers these days dont need to be that powerful for your purpose. A 500 mhz cpu would run well if optimized and configured with the right processor. The processor u chose is probably best answered by you. no one else.

Yahoo domains or yahoo business email screenshot AWARD.?

Where could I find someone who is willing to send me screenshot of his yahoo business mail account/yahoo domains account/yahoo hosting account for exchange for my $197 worth real estate investment course.

This is one second job for guy who wants to help me with that and he would help me and receive this worthy bonus gift.

My email is:

Thank you!


Yahoo domains or yahoo business email screenshot AWARD.?

Why are you posting so many questions over YA asking for screen shots of people%26#039;s business accounts?

Must you host a European TLD website using a French IP address?

For search engines, it it important that a TLD site like be hosted on a server with a French IP address block, or can one host it in the UK. The site would be entirely in French. Is language or IP address pre-eminent for local European search engines?

Must you host a European TLD website using a French IP address?

The actually IP address is just a set of numbers.... I don%26#039;t think the search engines give a monkey%26#039;s what domain they were sourced from!!?

What is the estimated cost of setting up a website?

This includes domain registration and hosting, software (if any), licenses, etc.

Also how long (estimate) does it take one I get started?

What is the estimated cost of setting up a website?

1: Domain Registration can run between free to $8.95 for the first year. If it%26#039;s free the 1st year wait till you get the bill for year 2.

2: Hosting, I use for my domain registration and web hosting, I have 2 personal sites and 18 business sites I do for clients. Customer Service is excellent and 100% uptime. Prices vary on hosting, they offer month to month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, annual, etc. Shared hosting or dedicated server. Unless your running a lot of applications and a huge e-commerce site shared hosting will work well.

2B: Plan on an e-commerce site, you will need to spend more money for SSL certificates, programming of the shopping carts even if they are the free open source types.

3: Software, this is where you can loose your shirt. I have Adobe CS2 $1,500 or close too it, Flash $600, Microsoft FrontPage 2003, $165. been a while since I purchased that office program. There is Dreamweaver, and a lot of other programs. Suggest you Google search for WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editors for making your website. Most HTML editors will allow for a 15-30 day free trial download.

4: Google offers wonderful free products for assisting you with your website such as Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, Code etc.

5: A good Title name, Description and Keyword meta tags will help, a sitemap and search engine submit you can submit to all search engines Google, MSN, Yahoo and DMOZ for free.

From the time you purchase your domain and hosting package you can have a web presence within minutes.


Suggest that you check out Google AdWords for revenue and traffic. You need to be more specific in For People and charge, this will require SSL, you%26#039;ll need a paypal account or credit card processing account. And contrary to what you%26#039;ll read in Yahoo Answers to make any $$ you%26#039;ll need a lot of clicks from Ad Words. Best way to get traffic and money is to sell advertising space, which will annoy your clients/users.


Oh Yea! Nothing is Free. You might not own the domain name, and after a peorid of time your site will vanish, you%26#039;ll have no technical support or assistance so you better know your programming and servers. You can have garbage ad%26#039;s placed on your site that will not generate you any revenue, these ad%26#039;s could not be related to your sites content or mission (values)

Best to put a business plan together and make a presentation to whom you%26#039;d like to sell your idea too for putting up the seed money and programming.

If I can be of further assistance please place questions in additional details.

What is the estimated cost of setting up a website?

That depends on if your going to write it yourself. I wrote and published one for under 10 bucks. Go is my webhost cost 6.99 a year included domain name at that time. took me a few days to put mine together.

Other Replys:Depends on various things -

Is it a personal or commercial website; personal hosting can cost as little as $5 month - big commercial one where train load of visitor come will cost a lot due to large traffic volumes

Domain name I think is as cheap as $10

You need a web design company to build it for you if the goal is commercial; however you can use many easy tools to make ur own website yourself.

Apart from these paid solutions you can go for absolutely free solutions as starters - try

good luck

Other Replys:Simple website by Microsoft Workspace is free. It is very limited but free is good.

The answer to other commercial developments depends upon who you chose to do the site and how complicated it has to be. Do you design it or hire someone? Do you manage it or have a webmaster? Do you sell things and need an ordering and payment system with security? Does the site change regularly?

Answers to these will provide a great range of potential cost.

Other Replys:You can find out step by step guide on how to create a website at

You can even earn from adsense using your website.

Or else you can contact a web designer at freelance website like .

Other Replys:it takes about a year to get started and between 1,000 to 1,000,000 dollars to start

Other Replys:You will get it for free If your are determined to do....

Domain name registration


If need only a domain,just get into

There will be no ads.

If you need a .com ,.org or .net domain ,you should go to

simply find 7 refferals and grab your domain name.


Hosting and Designing


You can get and publish website for free at

But i recommend for cool designes and Hosting.


So ,now you have domain name ,Hosting and Cool design for free!.

Thats why i said %26quot;You will get it for free If your are determined to do....%26quot;

Good luck

Who wants to make a website with me?

It can be whatever you want, i%26#039;ve already got a domain and a hosting plan, and i am bored.

Who wants to make a website with me?

I%26#039;m not very good at thinking up stuff to make either.

Lol you must have money to spend if you%26#039;d buy a domain and hosting plan without knowing what you want to put on it. Unless you already have something on it and you just want something more.

I know some stuff about writing websites. I know HTML/XHTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP. Though I%26#039;m not that knowledgeable in Javascript because I havn%26#039;t used it much.

I don%26#039;t know those web languages by heart, but I can reference what I don%26#039;t remember.

Does your server support PHP?

Free site design about game?

can any one give me free full website about game to use it in advertising i tried to make some site but it was to bad i have a domain and web hosting but i can not use them

Free site design about game?

Free site design about game?

Other Replys:You may visit offering a free games page. You may like it for your web site. You may also find affiliate programs from here on to earn real revenue from your website.

I wanna know how to get nice traffic for free on my site ?!?

Well, I have directory and I wanna know how to get nice traffic there. Well, is nice domain, on good hosting company, I promoted however I could but now... dont have so much uniwue visits. I ask you to answer me how is possible for free to get nice trafic.


I wanna know how to get nice traffic for free on my site ?!?

Hello there, since people who go to your site seem to enjoy it, your next step is to make it visible to more people. Well it seems stupid but most of the people i know make a crappy site and then wonder on promotion.

Things you have to do:

1)goto : , there you can see a list with many blog directories + and that%26#039;s important... RSS submission sites. You have to go there and submit to those sites your rss feed so engines of that sites parse your rss daily and insert your blog titles at their sites. Remember: Theres not only one page on that site, on the bottom there are links to other rss submitting sites, submit to as much as you can.

This method will give you more rss readers and some serious backlinks, so eventually more people will come.

2) Join webmasters forums, the best one is . There you can find many many useful information from webmasters. Sometimes people%26#039;s posts are not that good but many times you can get very very useful information.

3) Read famous bloggs from people who focus on making money online. Those focus a lot on promotion. 3 of the best i have seen are:




Enjoy and wish you the best :)

I wanna know how to get nice traffic for free on my site ?!?

Without posting pages and pages here I can only recommend you check out %26quot;The Ultimate Guide To Free Web Traffic%26quot; at....

It tells you absolutely everything about getting free web traffic.

There are also some other good guide about blogging and Niche Marketing which are worth a look too...

Where Can I Find a Good Flash/Dreamweaver CS3 Template for a Singer CD Release?

I%26#039;m building a website for my son who is coming out with a sample CD soon. I already have the domain name and hosting setup. He will have about 5 songs, photos, a bio and performance resume and a fill-in form for contact and link to a blog.

I need to find a good Flash/Dreamweaver CS3 template I can customize. I have both apps and I am a web designer on Mac OS X. Any suggestions would be helpful. Free or Paid templates are good. Links or sitenames would be most helpful. Thanks.

Where Can I Find a Good Flash/Dreamweaver CS3 Template for a Singer CD Release?

Template Monster has the best templates on the web. They are all pretty cheap and most flash templates can also be non flash/html only templates as well. They also have templates that were specifically made for musicians, artists, developers... WHATEVER!

I have bought from them before and they are a genuine company. Feel safe. I dont think any of them are actual Dreamweaver Templates, but most are easily editable HTML templates.

They have bukus to choose from.

Where Can I Find a Good Flash/Dreamweaver CS3 Template for a Singer CD Release?

sorry, I meant BOOKOOS. Report It

How can I get my previous host to unlock my domains??

I had the horrible service by and I left them because they totally mistreated me. Now they have all my domains on lock and I can%26#039;t transfer them to my new host. Anyone know of a way I can get my domains back? Thanks

How can I get my previous host to unlock my domains??

get a lawyer have him call them they will gag and unlock them.

Please! I need Help! I live in poor village in Kazakhstan. I wanted to publish my web site, that i h

making for 2-3 months. It is really good project, but the problem is that i can%26#039;t get domain name and hosting for it. I just can%26#039;t exchange my cash to paypal(i have no infrastructure in my region), so my great work is to be failed. I really put my soul to this project, and if i, tried so hard and this didn%26#039;t even matter, i don%26#039;t know what i would do to myself! I need just nearly $15 to make it publicly accessible. Please, americans, i hope you are generous enough to help me. Maybe it even will be great project in future, just like this. Send just as much as you can - even for several cents from several people i%26#039;ll be very happy. By the way my project%26#039;s first mission is to help usual customers and buyers to buy better quality cheaper. Please! Send me if you can little money by paypal( My paypal%26#039;s e-mail is If you want to talk to me, mail me to this e-mail.

Please! I need Help! I live in poor village in Kazakhstan. I wanted to publish my web site, that i have been?

There are several places where you can create a free website. Publish it there first. Then, after you%26#039;ve made some money, get it hosted on a professional site ...

Please! I need Help! I live in poor village in Kazakhstan. I wanted to publish my web site, that i have been?

there are many sites availble such as%26#039;

and many many more.

How the heck do you use movable type? Please Help guys.?

I want to start a new blog/website and heard about movable and thought I would use it because you custimize it more than or wordpress.

I just downloaded movable type. Now it wants me to get on a server or something? And use mysql?

What is all this stuff? Im new at all this.

Do I have to have a domain name and hosting service to even use movable type?

Whats the best way to get started on a new blog/website? I want something I can custimize. Something like HELP GUYS.

How the heck do you use movable type? Please Help guys.?

Movable type is not more flexible than WordPress. WordPress has many more themes and plugins than MT, and WP is already open source.


5 minute install:


I am offering free websites. 5 page site for free. small business, personal or special event. Any ta

My company site is and I am offering a few sites for free. You set up the domain and the hosting, I will take care of the design for free. All I ask is for a link to my site be placed at the bottom of your site. Very small and hardly noticable. Ok, I am ready!

I am offering free websites. 5 page site for free. small business, personal or special event. Any takers?

How very generous of you! I am starting up a Party Planning business for kids. Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated! The company name is Zebra Party Productions, so I want a Zebra Theme for the website. We will specialize in Teen parties, so it can%26#039;t be too kiddie. I want the site to be more of a kewl electric image that will appeal to children to parents alike!

Please e-mail me if you are interested in doing a site for us!



I am offering free websites. 5 page site for free. small business, personal or special event. Any takers?

Nope, already got and better.

* FREE accounts with 10 MB storage

* Unlimited pages, unlimited content - text, images, galleries!

* 50+ professionaly designed templates

* Interactive features

Setting up a website with online payment.?

Assuming I know nothing about creating / designing / registering a website, can anyone give me a few step-by-step pointers to get me on my way to setting up a website (including an online payment facility) which I am hoping to start as a hobby (which will hopefully develop into a business). Domain names and hosting mean nothing to me. What are they.

Thanks for your time.


Setting up a website with online payment.?

You Can Set up your own free web site

google search

and type Free Webs

it go%26#039;s step by step too..

you can set your own payment

up to its Free and pretty easy....

Setting up a website with online payment.?

Ok let%26#039;s start from the top!

Domain names = the name of your website, the unique address someone puts into a browser to reach your site. I.e. - that is a domain name. You need to pick one that is available...highly difficult these days! You can choose between .com, and many other alternatives. If your site is local, you%26#039;ll have better luck finding available domains.

Available .com names are extremely difficult to find because of certain unscrupulous people registering thousands of domains they don%26#039;t need and then selling them to the highest bidder. I go schitz when I hear this, as this really should be illegal! To see if a domain is available, use or or


Designing a website: If you don%26#039;t know how, it%26#039;s best to leave it to the professionals. A handy way to start is to go to - go through the various sites there and choose something you like. Once you decide on one, you can get them to alter the template to suit your needs for a small fee. Now you have a pro design, with your own content in a fraction of the cost of creating one from scratch.

Hosting: Again, if you%26#039;re not sure what you%26#039;re doing here, best to ask someone you know to lend you a hand, as it can get fairly complicated. Sticking with monsters, offers a reliable, cheap and excellent hosting solution.

Payments: You can use a variety of internet payment gateways such as;; etc. Once again, it%26#039;s not entirely simple to set up, so get the web developer helping you with your template to implement the payment system for you.

I wish you the best of luck.

Other Replys:You should look for an affordable full service web design company that can handle this for you.

Other Replys:If you do need a website that really works and earns for you,don%26#039;t go behind allurements. Go to a site that is reliable and really works, because web hosting is not a simple job. You host it for a purpose.That%26#039;s my experience. Try this site

Other Replys:Keep it Simple

Try - a Yahoo Store or Google Store

it%26#039;s as easy as myspace or blogger has a built in advice, template, and shopping cart for credit cards.

I believe it%26#039;s about $99 a month for either but it%26#039;s worth it. Additionally it puts you in a good location for people to find you. Traffic is king online.

Other Replys:Maybe you should try this company they help you set up a internet business

Other Replys:The Internet has been alternately viewed as the solver of all business problems and as an unregulated and expensive technological monster. What is true is that the Internet has changed the way business is done, and no company can afford to simply turn its back in the hope that it will go away.

This guide examines the benefits of putting your business online and takes you through the first practical steps you will need to take to establish your presence on the World Wide Web.

Other Replys:Try website builder, they have integrated tools for accepting online payments, a very easy website builder and hosting all included, it%26#039;s great for both beginners and professionals. They have a free version and paid version with additional features.

Using for testing purposes?

I am currently thinking about buy a domain and web hosting off GoDaddy. I don%26#039;t need it for a site as such. I need it more of a testing server. I know i can use free services but they force ads and are slow and i don%26#039;t want to show that to a customer. I have a localhost setup up on my mac which works fine but i need a remote server as well.

Is GoDaddy a good service to use? There prices seem pretty good. I also know some coupon codes to get money off with, so that helps. Would it be worth using as a testing server. I may possibly make my own blog/portfolio site with it in the future but thats not certain as i don%26#039;t have the time at the moment

Using for testing purposes?

GoDaddy is okay as a registrar, but as a host, they can be slow too, if you%26#039;re testing a database-driven application... because the database server is not on the same machine as the web server, and so you have to make network connections for each page view. Also, you don%26#039;t get CRON (scheduled tasks).

Here%26#039;s a free web host with no ads that you might want to check out. Five email accounts, Five FTP accounts, five MySQL databases complete with phpMyAdmin. I%26#039;ll admit I haven%26#039;t tested them thoroughly enough to see if they%26#039;re fast 24/7, but my test sites there have been responsive thus far, and I%26#039;m running CMS software with a lot of database activity (Drupal, Mambo, WordPress).

Using for testing purposes?

They are one of the okay webhosts.

Currently startlogic web hosting is offering 25 % discount. They are one of the excellent web host and they are also cheap webhost. You will get following and more.

1,500 GBs of Data Storage

15,000 GBs of Transfer

Unlimited Domain Hosting

FREE Domain Name

Unlimited E-Mail (POP/IMAP)

FrontPage %26amp; Dreamweaver Friendly

Nearly $500 value free coupons

Give a look at them

Click here

Other Replys:There are better ones but is a pretty good choice!

Ok i'm giving up, anyone feel the same?

i have just had yet another violation notice which i feel is unfair - some asked how he could get a van to start a business when he little money, i suggest searching business link%26#039;s grants directory and gave business link%26#039;s website address and phone number. (which note is a government run scheme/site)

i had another similar to this where someone wanted a low cost solution to getting their business on-line and i suggested Microsoft Office Live, a free web design, domain, email and hosting package from Microsoft - this got a violation too!

at the end of Y!A violation notice emails it quite clearly states to contact customer care if you feel you have received the violation in error... so i have done this on both occasions, the first time asking them to highlight the section which was against the rules - i%26#039;ve heard nothing! they just don%26#039;t reply and it%26#039;s so frustrating!!

i like using Y!A, and get satisfaction from helping others but just feel like giving up!!

is it just me?

Ok i%26#039;m giving up, anyone feel the same?

i get violations for just simply answering a question and giving my unoffensive opinion! its a stupid system, but i don%26#039;t come on here for hte levels, points and don%26#039;t care about the violations. just take it for the questions and answers and don%26#039;t invest your heart or soul into it.

Ok i%26#039;m giving up, anyone feel the same?

Yes, frustrating and my friends warn me that you only get more violations the more points you have.

Me, I%26#039;m just disappointed that I logged in today (it%26#039;s my lunch hour) and I can%26#039;t fnd too many interesting questions to answer.

Other Replys:you%26#039;ll be back!

Other Replys:Maybe people are reporting you as spam since you list company info. Some spammers do that, and I report them. But, you can usually tell the difference between real spammers and people like you just giving out company info. I don%26#039;t know. Maybe you%26#039;ll just have to start giving half a$$ed answers like most people. :)

Other Replys:I have contacted them on a couple of occasions and had responses.

it is a very silly system with the violation thing.

I sympathise with you. It can be annoying when someone reports for no reason at all

Other Replys:yep, I%26#039;ve had that too. Some fool was asking about another fool, and my reply was %26quot;Who?%26quot; and I got a violation, screw yahoo.

Other Replys:No it%26#039;s not just you! I%26#039;ll tell you what I believe, you have a %26quot;stalker%26quot; who is turning you in. I lost a whole bunch of points due to the same thing.

I made my Q %26amp; A private so the stalker couldn%26#039;t see where I had been, this made it harder for them to find my answers and %26quot;report%26quot; me.

I too questioned Y!A on what was supposed to be offensive... and got standard replies, no answer though.

Other Replys:your answers looked fine to me it seems that the appeal system is not working . Don%26#039;t give up, keep on answering and to use my favourite quote don%26#039;t let the barstewards get you down

Other Replys:Yeah! it%26#039;s tick%26#039;n me off to. It getting a little ridiculous. I was flagged and deleted about 10x yesterday. I sent an email also with no response. I tried customer care this morning and someone finally contacted me. Not that it will do any good but you should click on customer care.

Other Replys:Yahoo has become so paranoid since the lawsuit threat over their discussion boards (which they subsequently shut down) that they will yank anything that is reported or which they feel could possibly, maybe, somewhere down the road, cause them a problem. Personally, I don%26#039;t blame Yahoo. I blame the whining crybabies and their co conspirator lawyers who have turned this country into Litigation Nation.

Other Replys:i have a feeling you will be back this site is rather addicting!

Other Replys:no it%26#039;s not just you i have had two violations

and like you feel that they were unjust.but at the time i didn%26#039;t know that you could appeal

against them and now i can%26#039;t remember the

Q or A i gave .but not ot worry i just slog on

i say don%26#039;t give it up just stick in .after all it%26#039;s

just a way to pass the time and maybe give

someone a help ...i%26#039;ll be looking out for you


Other Replys:I can remember my first violation, it was like a slap in the face, cant recall what it was about now !

I%26#039;ve had loads since , it%26#039;s just a laugh now!

I did realise that I could eventually loose my complete yahoo account including e mail, so I have another email address now all set up, just in case!

I still keep popping up on here , and I%26#039;m still enjoying it, having a good laugh at times, but I now diversify and go onto other things!

It really is sad that some folk just come on here to look for and report whatever they feel is %26#039;abuse%26#039;!

But dont give up and dont bother yourself with all this asking yahoo what you did wrong , just enjoy while you can.

Other Replys:OIt is NOT you; it is this site.

Part of the problem is that people get really spooked off by links, thinking that you will direct them somewhere to get a virus.

Others feel that you are %26quot;advertising%26quot; and you get your bell rung for that one.

And as far as the %26quot;appeal%26quot; process goes, that is a joke and a half, as %26quot;customer care%26quot; give not a whit about you and your problems.

If you choose to give up, I certainly understand your frustrations

Other Replys:Try %26quot;appeal a Violation Notice%26quot; in Forum Posting there can%26#039;t hurt %26amp; you can vent a little. Do what you have to do. I can%26#039;t advise you - a real life best friend can help you more.

Other Replys:no,i too get that feeling.

Other Replys:Don%26#039;t feel bad I answered a question about how to weld 2 pieces of metal together and got a violation and points tkaen off! I replied to them the same as it wasn%26#039;t in the guidelines and got no reply either! Yet people can get on here and swear and use vulgar names such as the %26quot;N%26quot; word and get away with it. DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! OKAY?!

I'm starting a Web site for professional purposes, how can I find what I need?

I need:

- A domain name.

- A hosting service.

- (most important): open source software for establishing a community (discussion area, download area, blog area, user management...).

- anything else?

I%26#039;m starting a Web site for professional purposes, how can I find what I need?

In many cases your Internet Service Provider will offer a small amount of free hosting, but that閳ユ獨 usually sufficient for getting started. If you discover that you need more than what they provide both Yahoo and offer hosting packages along with a domain name registration service.

As for designing the site, you didn%26#039;t mention if you knew HTML or if you had a web page editor, but many web hosts offer easy to use tools for setting up your first site. You閳ユ獟l soon outgrow them, though, and want something better so I would suggest learning HTML and try picking up the free Matrix Y2K to use as an HTML editor. You can find it here:

If you decide to get more professional Macromedia閳ユ獨 Contribute and Dreamweaver are excellent WYSIWYG web editors.

For many beginners, the best way to start is with a free account on or a paid, but very cheap, account on You閳ユ獟l get web hosting, easy to use content tools, and many other benefits.

But if you want to sell anything online you may need an e-commerce solution. I recommend going to someone like or Yahoo Merchant Services at They閳ユ獟l help you get your ecommerce site up and running.

I%26#039;m starting a Web site for professional purposes, how can I find what I need?

A good host provides all that, check out appliedi! 99.9% uptime over the last 7 years here.

Other Replys:I agree with bob, one of the other users that has answered your question. I%26#039;ve been using as my web host. Last time I checked, they had a promotion where you can get 2 years hosting for $50. This includes upto 5 databases, open source software (WordPress blog, PHP-BB, ecommerce etc.). You can access all these features via the easy to use vdeck control panel.

I%26#039;m sure many other hosts provide pretty much the same features, but this is the only one I have experience with.

Best of luck!!

How do you make your own website for free?

I don%26#039;t want to pay for anything, no domain name, no hosting service, nothing. But I don%26#039;t know what to do! I am also having graphic troubles. Do you have to have specific programs or what? Im confused with this whole thing!!!

How do you make your own website for free?

One day, i decided to make a website. I searched and found as the best provider..with too little advertisements, 50 mb initial space(they will increase if u want), a great bandwidth and an online website builder without any requirement of html knowledge. The url will There is detailed help section.

Another thing, it will not be possible for u to get a free, it will cause charges.

U can also use microsoft frontpage as the editor..manage ur graphics in text boxes and u will have no troubles.

How do you make your own website for free?

Buzz me il help u out in building ur site! :) Report It

Other Replys:See. I%26#039;ll tel you what I did.

Go to freewebs. its pretty easy. Go with the flow. If you need help with graphics.. Go search for grpahics in yahoo directory. it will shwo you good results.. try the links. n stuff.. would help.. everything doesn%26#039;t come to you at once..

Other Replys:Try the

Here, you can easily design a website for FREE.

or, you can also try the yahoo geosite.

Other Replys:i noe two:


good luck:)

if u go 2 any of these websites, and sign up, then you can make ur own free website!

Other Replys:try with / /

How to start selling online?

How to start selling online without using and I know some basic html.

Just bought a domain name and hosting and wish to start with an e-commerce app.

How to start selling online?


Hello! Congrats on your first domain and hosting service.

Well, if you%26#039;re opposed to PayPal, then you%26#039;ll be pretty hindered from making it very far online. Before I go any further, ask yourself, %26quot;Why do I not want a PayPal account?%26quot;

I%26#039;m also curious to find out exactly what product you%26#039;re trying to sell. (I teach people how to start home businesses, that%26#039;s why I%26#039;m so interested!)

So, when choosing your product, always try to think through these steps:

1. Find a problem, need, or want in people%26#039;s lives

2. Address the problem and solve it

3. Create a website and business selling your solution

4. Make sure that there%26#039;s a demand for your product

5. Market your solution to the people with the problem

6. Review how well it%26#039;s working/not working

Once you have a product(s) in mind, then it%26#039;s time to put them on your website.

After that%26#039;s all done, you need some way to accept payments that is 100% secure.

PayPal is by FAR the easiest! All you have to do is copy and paste some code onto your site and you%26#039;ll have it done.

After that, it%26#039;s time for some marketing. This is the hardest part! Just three tips:

Here are some things that you%26#039;ll HAVE to do in order to succeed in this business:

1. Become an expert on the subject.

Most people are not doing this, so you%26#039;ll have an edge up. Start marketing yourself in forums, chatrooms, and blogs as an expert on whatever topic you are selling. Find out why your product is better than anyone else%26#039;s, and build relationships with people. When the time is right, tell them why they should buy from you.

2. Give away tons of free samples of your product.

With online business, it%26#039;s really easy to find 100000 websites that sell the same thing. Make people able to TRUST your website by giving away your product for free, and then by having people write back in and saying how well it%26#039;s worked for them. Otherwise, people won%26#039;t trust you, and they%26#039;ll just leave.

3. Come up with, and market, your USP.

(Unique Selling Point) You need to show people why you%26#039;re better than anyone else!

Anyways, I hoped this helped. This stuff is just the TIP of the iceberg of marketing and making business online!

Good luck!


P.S. My father always told me, %26quot;There%26#039;s only ONE way to make money in ANY business - blood, sweat, and tears...%26quot;

How to start selling online?

I have tried Yahoo Web Hosting, Gator Web Hosting, Godaddy Hosting and many others but found this the best ...

Their customer service is Number 1 in Hosting Industry and you can host unlimited sites within the same account.

Control panel is the easiest to configure.

Help database they have is awesome.

Hope this helps your needs....

Good Luck...

Other Replys:you should check out

How to install Joomla?

So i bought a domain name and hosting but hmm... now i have no idea how to install Joomla i have spent ages researching on the net but no success.

can anyone explain step by step how to install joomla (i know its big process but I really appreciate it)

Best answer gets max points and all relevant answers my appreciation ;)

My Skype: venividivici84

How to install Joomla?

1. upload files (joomla). Run install folder e.g. (or without install.php). There is an instalataion explained in text file in /docs folder

2. If your host use FANTASTICO go thru it

In both cases:

The install will appear and you%26#039;ll need to fill form fields.

admin user name

admin password


database password



How to install Joomla?

If your hosting service has fantasico on the dashboard just use that. If not you may need to contact the tech support for your hosting service.

Web site question?

If someone was to purchase a domain name with hosting, and downloaded free web builder, finished and launched, do the web site appears n searches or some additional service is needed?

Web site question?

You need to add your site to the major indexes in order for it to be found. Look for the %26quot;suggest a site / add a site%26quot; links at each of the engines where you want to be listed.

Web site question?

There are Web Crawlers that search out new sites and post them on the different search Engines free, However like everything if you want to pay you can get a better listing.

If you add Meta tags to your pages it will help.


Other Replys:making and publishing ur website doesnt make it to appear on yahoo or google searches, u have to subscribe your site... this will take some time from couple of days to couple of weeks, then based on your keywords and page structure u will get a page rank. better page rank, better result in searches. good luck!

Other Replys:here is a nice site for you to learn HTML the most basic of the Web Designers Languages:

you can build a site in Notepad


a free HTML Editor like:

HateML Pro (FREE) -

Pagebreeze (FREE) -

then all you need is a graphics program (FREE) like:


then all you need is a web host - try geocities:


you need to add Meta tags with certain criteria like this between the %26lt;head%26gt;%26lt;/head%26gt; tags:

%26lt;meta http-equiv=%26quot;Content-Type%26quot; content=%26quot;text/html; charset=windows-1251%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;META NAME=%26quot;Author%26quot; CONTENT=%26quot;your name%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;META NAME=%26quot;Subject%26quot; CONTENT=%26quot;Add Subject Here%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;META NAME=%26quot;Description%26quot; CONTENT=%26quot;Add Description Here%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;META NAME=%26quot;Keywords%26quot; CONTENT=%26quot;Add Keywords Here%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;META NAME=%26quot;Language%26quot; CONTENT=%26quot;english%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;META NAME=%26quot;Copyright%26quot; CONTENT=%26quot;漏 your name or site name%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;META NAME=%26quot;Designer%26quot; CONTENT=%26quot;your name%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;META NAME=%26quot;Publisher%26quot; CONTENT=%26quot;your name%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;META NAME=%26quot;Distribution%26quot; CONTENT=%26quot;Global%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;META NAME=%26quot;Robots%26quot; CONTENT=%26quot;All%26quot;%26gt;

%26lt;LINK REL=%26quot;SHORTCUT ICON%26quot; HREF=%26quot;fav.ico%26quot;%26gt;

have fun

Other Replys:You need to submit your website to the search engines. The big search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN and ASK will send a %26quot;spider%26quot; to crawl your site then list it when/if it meets their requirements. Some search engines charge a fee, the bigger and more recognized the more expensive. There are a gazillion of free directories that you can list your site with but you need to either manually submit to each one or pay someone to submit your site for you. It is tedious and takes awhile but necessary if you want anyone to come visit your site. (It has to be listed LOTS of places or no one will find it!)

You can also write articles to articles directories for free about whatever your website content is and include a link back to your website in the author credits. Then there are press release sites which help build traffic and search engine recognition- some cost $ but others are free.

There is a free step-by-step instructional guide to building websites, getting them listed, and generating traffic as well as income which might be helpful to you. It%26#039;s called the %26quot;Action Guide%26quot; and there are some other free e-books for webmasters as well which I%26#039;ve found very helpful.


Other Replys:You can use the site builder available with the hosting package that you select;

What Can A Teenager Do To Make Money?

I am almost 13 years old.

I already have a website, but I%26#039;m not makiing very much moolah with it.

Any suggestions?

I%26#039;ve tried babysitting; no kids in my neighborhood, and all of the kids that I know are already either the same age as me or older.

What do you suggest?

I need to earn some serious cash to buy a new musical instrument, and a domain name and hosting for my website.

What Can A Teenager Do To Make Money?

I don%26#039;t know how you can make money off a website; what%26#039;re you selling on it? Also I suggest selling lemonade, or something easy; walking dogs! Of course! I know how you feel though; I got my first job at seventeen. The only money I made otherwise was through short story contests, and that wasn%26#039;t a lot... although, perhaps enough for an instrument. If you want a new instrument (that is, as opposed to an old one you have now) I suggest playing it on street corners, near somewhere safe so you don%26#039;t get mugged. But if it%26#039;s gonna be your first instrument, I suggest doing anything legal to get it so you can be like, %26quot;Yeah I%26#039;ve been playing (blank) since I was twelve.%26quot; And everyone always thinks that guy%26#039;s cool.

What Can A Teenager Do To Make Money?

sell cupcakes on the corner of your street!

Other Replys:You could wash cars and put a sign-up...Saying please help,I need a new musical instrument...Don%26#039;t ask for a dollar amount...Just take donations and you will beable to earn alittle more cash this way...Good luck my friend...

Your Friend Clowmy

Other Replys:what about pet sitting/dog walking for people in your neighborhood. What about mowing lawns for people, or a newspaper route.

Other Replys:i don%26#039;t think there are easy money for no hard work. perhaps you can setup a website and to earn money through google adsense.

besides, here is a specialized webpage containing 10 methods making money online and doing small business online.

maybe that will help you or give you some bright idea.

Best Wishes %26amp;%26amp; Good Luck!

Does anyone know how to build a website? i need help!?

i just bought a domain and a hosting site thing and have no clue what to do now. i am starting a charity here at fort campbell for wounded soldiers and their familys, but i cant get it started until i get this site up and running. i tried all kinds of programs but i guess i just dont get it. if theres anyone that knows how to do it and wouldnt mind helping me. it would mean alot. i cant afford to pay for it. i have all the stuff i need in it just cant seem to put it together right.

ok thank you so much

Does anyone know how to build a website? i need help!?

If you want to make a website go to and tipe in how to make a website

Does anyone know how to build a website? i need help!?

all a website is miracuously is a bunch of basic codes you can find basic website books in libraries or barnes and noble the easiest way to publish this code is to type it out in notepad but instead of dot whatever whatever you put .html and it will translate that jumbled code in to a masterpiece that is if you do it correctly beyond that bit of info i cant help but good luck getting it set up

Other Replys:There are books available and websites. Here are a couple of sites that can teach you html:

Also, Microsoft FrontPage is a relatively easy-to-use WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor that is still available if you have purchased Microsoft Office in the past.

Other than that, there is probably somebody on the base that can help you. Good luck!

Other Replys:For the first time when I saw an associate program i said this is my pays more than any affiliate program, it offers pay per click programm 0.25 cents per click,which is more than google.i made 500$ in one week last month.i simply signed up from and now im getting 3000$ per month from this site.if you have a website or even free website put ( + bidvertiser) banner on your site and ask others to click on it.all you need is a traffic.It is new in USA and people don閳ユ獩 know much about it, that閳ユ獨 why it is offering 0.25 cents(Which is high).get the money before its too late.

Other Replys:It%26#039;s easy...

- Sign up for a free Webstarts account here:

- Quickly create a page that better describes your website. The web editor is super easy to use.

- Add slide shows and photo%26#039;s using photobucket or just upload your photo%26#039;s right to your website

- Preview the finished page and send the link to your friends and family

Gallery of Websites Created With The Webstarts Editor

Highly Recommended.

Other Replys:Begin with setting up your own webpage as your current internet provider will provide free hosting as discussed below.

If you are currently a paid Internet subscriber, you are entitled to a %26quot;homepage%26quot; which often contains simple navigation and editing tools. And if you use the Netscape browser, the built-in Composer feature is a superior HTML authoring tool which is totally free. You can easily generate a full-blown website as a Homepage.

Nevertheless, the %26quot;homepage%26quot; URL is likely to be %26quot; name%26quot; and that URL can easily be overwritten via a redirection service, i.e., %26quot;; which allows you to link any registered domain name to %26quot;mask%26quot; another website. For example, should you type in the %26quot;domain name,%26quot; you will be immediately transported to the homepage and the hompage URL of a homepage URL which will be masked by the domain name. And the charge for the redirection service [even at] is normally FREE.

When you acquire a domain name, connect it using a redirection service [as discussed above] and submit/publish the domain name on major search engines/directories in order for Net surfers to find your website.

Good luck!

Im new at starting my own web site and im haveing problems finding it on the web how do i do this?

Im done doning my web site and have published it and bought a domain and web hosting im not really sure how i do this now to see it on the web i went and typed my web site and it comes up but in a blank page

Im new at starting my own web site and im haveing problems finding it on the web how do i do this?

You need to contact your web hosting provider and get their tech support to walk you through the publishing process.

Im new at starting my own web site and im haveing problems finding it on the web how do i do this?

never use a computer again. SPED

Other Replys:Did you put text on it? sometimes codes dont work. Try re-doingit or call your domain provider.

Other Replys:Well you can just type www.(your domain name).com or .net or .org what ever it is. I hope it helps!

Other Replys:just type in your website address and it should take you right to your website.

Other Replys:I dont know but i emailed the question to my brother who has made at least 6 websites so if hes gotton a life, concious, and heart, then he should answer your question and help you.

What are the costs for start-up Virtual Assistant business?

Licenses, permits, and registrations, Domain and web hosting, Office furniture, equipment, and supplies, Marketing and Advertising, Software, Business Insurance, Internet Service, Legal fees, Training and Certifications (optional) would cost???

What are the costs for start-up Virtual Assistant business?

I was a virtual assistant for five years. You%26#039;ll find you can spend as much or as little as you want. I already had the computer and the Internet and that is all I started with. I took a course from AssistU on how to become a VA and that was my biggest expense.

Once you finish the course you can wait until you get your clients to find what they use for software and their other needs. You can pick up what you need as you go along. The only license I got was an LLC and you can get this online for $50.00. When I was close to graduation, I built a website myself because all I wanted was an online brochure. I learned how to do this through contacts I made at AssistU. This and a few business cards and I was good to go.

There are also other courses available and you can find information about these on the Internet. Check out the reference box below for the link to AssistU.

What are the costs for start-up Virtual Assistant business?


I would recommend IX webhosting.It%26#039;s very cheap and very reliable.Check it out here:

Inexpensive but reliable web host...does it exist?

I have 2 small business websites at the moment...I pay $30 a year for each. They both started out with 50MB storage %26amp; 1000MB transfer. On one of them, I bought 50MB more storage. Domain was/is free.

However, I am constantly having problems with them. The websites will go down during peak hours for no reason, mail service is sporadic, I have deleted 3/4 of my website because they say I keep going over my limit...this is on the 100MB one.

I feel like I should look for a new one, but I really can%26#039;t spend much more than $60 total a year for the two together. I know you can get multiple domains now under some hosting plans, but by the time you pay for the extra domains, it%26#039;s not cheap anymore.

Where can I find something reasonable? Having all the bells %26amp; whistles is not a priority, but would be nice.

Inexpensive but reliable web host...does it exist?

I use - it%26#039;s reliable, and for $3/month you get 30GB space and 1000GB transfer/month. That%26#039;s a lot better than your current one!

What%26#039;s more, you can host multiple domains on the one hosting account. (Remember, domains themselves should only cost you $9 - e.g. at

So, if there%26#039;s enough space on that one account, you should only have to pay $36/year or $54 if you register for two years.

I%26#039;ve been with WHB for a while now, and they seem to be for real. Good luck!!

Inexpensive but reliable web host...does it exist?

DO NOT go thru this company! They don%26#039;t do domain transfers Report It

Other Replys:I did bravenet for a year, price vs what you get was not to bad for the mid range paid hosting

Other Replys:Really a case of you get what you pay for. $30/year for hosting? If it is ever up you are lucky.

I use Lunarpages - has never been down, and I run 5 sites at a time off one account. More expensive than what you are paying, and worth it

Nothing that costs $30/year is going to be any good

Other Replys:I have around 25 sites hosted with They have simple HTML plans for $2.95/month. They also have a 99.5% uptime percentage, great support and an easy to use control panel.

Good luck!

Other Replys:Yahoo! Web hosting is great! I love it, and will never use anyone else.

Other Replys: is under $5/month, and would let you host both under the same account. they have a great service, is also very good

Other Replys:If you like to create websites (usually you will end up more than 1 website, I got more than 100 websites in about 6 months%26#039; time), go for multiple web hosting services where you could host all your websites in one account.

I would like to suggest following webhosting which I use, they are excellent.


They offer hosting of %26quot;unlimited domains%26quot; and you will get massive webspace of 300000 MB (300 GB ). They only charge $5.95/month and they offer %26quot;a free Domain Name%26quot; and installing service called %26quot;Fantastico%26quot;. By using Fantastico, you could create own forum, photo gallery, shopping cart (e-commerce),your own auction site and your own blogs within few seconds. They also offer %26quot;Free Website Builder%26quot; as well.

Visit the site to check details.



Following site is quite good to register domains as price is reasonable with free privacy. Some charge about $5/ year just for free privacy.


I have 2 domains on my host server account, but they both point to the same index page?

I want them to act like 2 different websites, with different index pages. How do I do it? What am I doing wrong?

I have 2 domains on my host server account, but they both point to the same index page?

the first one you can redirect to your host and the secound an folder on your host or another addres

just enter to Cpanel and choise Web Redirection

Please, someone help me regarding starting a website?

Okay, I registered a domain name and I want to know if I HAVE TO have someone else host the domain name? If so, WHY!?!?, and other sites do not have to have their name hosted, why do I have to have a host? why can%26#039;t I just host it myself? Please, any insight or technical details will be greatly appreciated. I am a newbie and I do not want to be screwed over.

Please, someone help me regarding starting a website?

OK I have a different answer than the guys above.

All you need to host your own site is linux. Pick the edition but any stable one is fine, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS all will do a good job and allow you to build an inexpensive server.. In fact any ol 1gig processor machine with a good Hd can be a good server as long as your site is not really LOADED.

In addition you need a good solid bandwidth connection -- You will have to have a business class dsl or better line T1 would do fine for a start. Remember for your webserver the OUTBOUND speed is the issue not the download speed so get at least 768 outbound to start with and at least two IP addresses (one for your site and primary dns server, one for the secondary dns) Once that is in place your almost ready.

You will need to remember that if power goes off your server will also so you will need a backup power source. A really good UPS with a 2-4 hour reserve will work. If you dont mind that your site goes off line then dont worry about it.

You will need to setup the server (a cheap comupter will work but I would tell you to buy a good used server they are available many places for 400-1000 for a good one) Instal linux, setup security, setup monitoring software, setup firewall software, setup the email system, setup your website. Since you will have to have a fixed IP you need to setup the ethernet adapter correctly and bind the second IP to it for your secondary dns server.

Or you can pay 10-20 / month for someone to do this for you and avoid all the setup time and need for additional bandwidth and system administration etc.

Please, someone help me regarding starting a website?

In order to host a site you need to have a server. Servers are very large and very expensive pieces of equipment. Think of it as a giant computer that stores the data for hundreds of sites and acts as a relay. etc ARE hosted, but companies that large usually have their OWN servers.

As a %26quot;newbie%26quot;, you need to pay someone else to host your site on their server. There are lots of cheap hosting packages out there, scout around and find yourself a good deal.

Other Replys:Hosting is paying for a little bit of space on some companys server to hold or deliver your files (and or email) to your web visitors.

You can host it your self but you will find that it will cost less and be more secure to have someone host it for you. It is also very technical to setup your own in house web hosting.

Other Replys:First you will need to have a substantial server for reliability running web server, php, mysql etc preferably, on a high speed broadband connection. You then need to pay extra for a fixed IP address or no one will find you. You might need to pay even more for a business broadband account before you can have a fixed address. You need to set port forwarding on the router to your private ip address, you should set this fixed as well, just to be sure. You then have to decide how to handle emails. The ports you need open are going to be web (80), ftp maybe, smtp (security must be tight on this or you will end up barred as an open spam relay) pop3 and any others you want to offer. The firewall must also expose these ports. You will be entirely on your own when something fails.

Other Replys:if you already have a domain name places like...


can host your site for free.

You need a Host to hold your files. (like pix and stuff)

Domain name is just the website name.

If you%26#039;re doing a blog

now allows you to attach your domain name to your blog.

How to use a web host to build a site?

I have purchased a domain name and reseller hosting account but now I am clueless on how to tie it all together. How do I use my control panel to put up my site.

How to use a web host to build a site?

get a template from and upload it

How to use a web host to build a site?

Where did you buy it from?

Are you useing cPanel?

Email me at and I%26#039;ll help you.

Other Replys:Once you have a domain name, I assume you also have a host? Two separate things, ya know. You should have an FTP address, userid, and password. Got those? Get%26#039;em!

Once you have those, got your .html or .htm files ready? Get%26#039;em.

The main one%26#039;s your index.htm. Some hosts (like Yahoo!) need the extension to be .html. Other hosts don%26#039;t mind if it%26#039;s .htm. Find out. Name accordingly. %26quot;index.htm%26quot; is the home page where your website calls arrive, but you already knew that, right?

Next, get an FTP program. Get ws_ftp or Filezilla or get Firefox and install its add-on named FireFTP. Open it up (whichever one or two or all three) you got and %26quot;set up an account%26quot; specifying a name for the account (any ol%26#039; name will do, like %26quot;Herbert Hoover%26quot;) and the host address (that%26#039;s the FTP address mentioned earlier and the userid and password. Check %26quot;remember password%26quot; to save yourself some grief and retyping later. Click Connect. Select Your folder and the host%26#039;s folder (actually, the host%26#039;s folder is already over there...) See, you%26#039;ve got a divided window in view, with a view of your folder in one and the host%26#039;s mostly empty, for now, folder, in the other. Select files in your folder, and there%26#039;s likely an arrow, click it, and copies of files will be transferred to the host.

Dah you go. When you%26#039;re happy, Disconnect. Exit

Other Replys:If you are currently a paid Internet subscriber, you are entitled to a %26quot;homepage%26quot; which often contains simple navigation and editing tools. And if you use the Netscape browser, the built-in Composer feature is a superior HTML authoring tool. You can easily generate a full-blown website as a Homepage.

Nevertheless, the %26quot;homepage%26quot; URL is likely to be %26quot; name%26quot; and that URL can easily be overwritten via a redirection service, i.e., %26quot;; which allows you to link any registered domain name to %26quot;mask%26quot; another website. For example, should you type in the %26quot;domain name,%26quot; you will be immediately transported to the homepage and the hompage URL of a homepage URL which will be masked by the domain name. And the charge for the redirection service [even at] is normally FREE.

Here%26#039;s a demonstration: Type in the URL window: %26quot;; which will bring up their pizza website. Take note of the domain name. Then type in the URL window: %26quot; and you will see that this is the original homepage which is unmasked without the domain name.

Good luck!

Other Replys:There are two principal steps to make your website on the internet and registering/booking a domain name is the number one.

A domain name builds the address of your site and can end in . com, . net, . org, . info, . us, . biz, . tv and further.

Directly afer you have registered your name, you will pick a web host (2nd step). The web host is the guts of any website as this is where you build and publish your pages, build purchase fillings, insert service and preserve your site.

How to Select the Best Domain Name

If being in the foremost search engines (Yahoo!, MSN, etc. ) is tremendously essential to you, I extremely urge you index a name that includes your major keywords as an alternative of your enterprise name.

Imagine about it. The normal visitor searches by theme, not by correct name. So why it may seem cool to have a name corresponding Jack%26#039;sLinux. com, you%26#039;ll wish to select a name that contains keywords that your intended spectators would likely use when they search.

So with that in thinking, a name like Begin-using-Linux. com would be much enhanced than Jack%26#039;sLinux. com. Sure, you can still list your corporation name on your web pages, but I think it%26#039;s more important to make sure the domain name consist of your eminent %26quot;search friendly%26quot; keywords if you want to receive traffic from all over.

No doubt, you can still register your firm name on the web site some area, but your domain name will consist of all the significant keywords you%26#039;ll want to be found with.


fan of

Exchange email problem?

Ok, my client can send email just fine but when i try and send to them i get the following error:

Failed to deliver to %26#039;;

SMTP module(domain reports:

host says:

550 %26lt;; recipient rejected

can%26#039;t find anything on google, any ideas?


Exchange email problem?

have you tried clicking the reply button instead of sending the whole thing? oh. Are you using yahoo to send or Microsoft Outlook/Thunderbird? If you are using Outlook, maybe try to send the guy using yahoo.

How much web space can a small business subscriber obtain? Ten Megabites not enough.?

I need to setup a domain name for my new small business. Time is important because telephone books go to print in a few months.

Can I host my domain at AT%26amp;T Yahoo?

How much storage can I obtain?

How do I pick and register a domain name?

Or do you have another web host provider you could recommend?


Scott Conley

President, Consultant

CWC, Conley%26#039;s Wildlife Control, LLC

How much web space can a small business subscriber obtain? Ten Megabites not enough.?

閳昏 鏌?A Multi-awarded Business Web Hosting 閳煎嫧姊?/p>

閳昏 鏌?Register A Free Domain (like by Bluefish 閳煎嫧姊?/p>

BlueFish offers a Full-featured hosting service only $6.95 a month.

You can go there through the address below:

- 6 GB Storage Space

- 100 Gigs Data Transfer

- Unlimited Email Accounts

- Detailed Website Statistics

- Unlimited FTP Accounts

- Easy Web Builder Utility

- Shared or Dedicated SSL

- Business Site Templates

- OS Commerce or Agora

- Simple PayPal eCommerce (beside other credit cards)

- MS FrontPage Extensions

- Unique IP%26#039;s Available

- PHP %26amp; 5 MySQL Databases

- phpBB, Blog %26amp; Chat

- CGI-bin Access %26amp; Scripts

No-Risk Hosting

You have 30 days to test their service and if you choose to cancel you will receive a full 100% refund. No cancellation fees or other hidden charges.

Real Customer Support

Expect a helpful Phone Call from them when you sign up! They want to make it easy for all levels of customers to keep their websites running smoothly. So they provide a toll free phone line and plenty of one-on-one help at the start when you need it most. Their customer support representatives will call you shortly after sign-up to help you get started and answer any questions you may have.

At present, there are several online web hosting providers, which are working as sub-partners of BlueFish. In other words, they resell this service to people at a more expensive price. By omitting intermediates, you have a chance to obtain this service directly, making it cheaper and more reliable.

You can go there through the address below:

How much web space can a small business subscriber obtain? Ten Megabites not enough.?

For fast, easy, and cheap hosting... Look below, I thought it would help you...It has worked for me for 3 years.

Other Replys:a lot of web hosting companies now provides over 1 G for a very cheap price, so I think you don%26#039;t have to limit yourself into just 10 MB disk space.

My website is currently hosted by My Webbie Their cheapest plan is only $3.95/month, and the registration of the domain name is FREE for the first year ($9.50 on the succeeding years).

In this plan, they are giving its customers 1.5 G disk space and 150 G monthly bandwidth. The plan also includes 50 email accounts.

99.9% uptime is guaranteed by the company, and I can attest that my website never experience downtime so far. They also have 30-day money back guarantee in case you become dissatisfied to their service.