
Friday, October 30, 2009

Does anyone know how to build a website? i need help!?

i just bought a domain and a hosting site thing and have no clue what to do now. i am starting a charity here at fort campbell for wounded soldiers and their familys, but i cant get it started until i get this site up and running. i tried all kinds of programs but i guess i just dont get it. if theres anyone that knows how to do it and wouldnt mind helping me. it would mean alot. i cant afford to pay for it. i have all the stuff i need in it just cant seem to put it together right.

ok thank you so much

Does anyone know how to build a website? i need help!?

If you want to make a website go to and tipe in how to make a website

Does anyone know how to build a website? i need help!?

all a website is miracuously is a bunch of basic codes you can find basic website books in libraries or barnes and noble the easiest way to publish this code is to type it out in notepad but instead of dot whatever whatever you put .html and it will translate that jumbled code in to a masterpiece that is if you do it correctly beyond that bit of info i cant help but good luck getting it set up

Other Replys:There are books available and websites. Here are a couple of sites that can teach you html:

Also, Microsoft FrontPage is a relatively easy-to-use WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor that is still available if you have purchased Microsoft Office in the past.

Other than that, there is probably somebody on the base that can help you. Good luck!

Other Replys:For the first time when I saw an associate program i said this is my pays more than any affiliate program, it offers pay per click programm 0.25 cents per click,which is more than google.i made 500$ in one week last month.i simply signed up from and now im getting 3000$ per month from this site.if you have a website or even free website put ( + bidvertiser) banner on your site and ask others to click on it.all you need is a traffic.It is new in USA and people don閳ユ獩 know much about it, that閳ユ獨 why it is offering 0.25 cents(Which is high).get the money before its too late.

Other Replys:It%26#039;s easy...

- Sign up for a free Webstarts account here:

- Quickly create a page that better describes your website. The web editor is super easy to use.

- Add slide shows and photo%26#039;s using photobucket or just upload your photo%26#039;s right to your website

- Preview the finished page and send the link to your friends and family

Gallery of Websites Created With The Webstarts Editor

Highly Recommended.

Other Replys:Begin with setting up your own webpage as your current internet provider will provide free hosting as discussed below.

If you are currently a paid Internet subscriber, you are entitled to a %26quot;homepage%26quot; which often contains simple navigation and editing tools. And if you use the Netscape browser, the built-in Composer feature is a superior HTML authoring tool which is totally free. You can easily generate a full-blown website as a Homepage.

Nevertheless, the %26quot;homepage%26quot; URL is likely to be %26quot; name%26quot; and that URL can easily be overwritten via a redirection service, i.e., %26quot;; which allows you to link any registered domain name to %26quot;mask%26quot; another website. For example, should you type in the %26quot;domain name,%26quot; you will be immediately transported to the homepage and the hompage URL of a homepage URL which will be masked by the domain name. And the charge for the redirection service [even at] is normally FREE.

When you acquire a domain name, connect it using a redirection service [as discussed above] and submit/publish the domain name on major search engines/directories in order for Net surfers to find your website.

Good luck!

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