
Sunday, May 23, 2010

I need help with internet Explore?!?!?

When I go to is says this

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host %26#039;; is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with %26#039;mysqladmin flush-hosts%26#039; in /home/admin/domains/ on line 90


What do I do?

I need help with internet Explore?!?!?

Nothing. It%26#039;s an issue with the database linkage on the website. Nothing you can solve yourself.

I need help with internet Explore?!?!?

Looks like a problem with the website itself and not a problem with your setup.

Other Replys:That looks like a problem with their website. Try again later.

Other Replys:

i get the same thing, its a problem with their website, not your computer.

How does google recognise which country a website comes from?

For instance, when I search for google results with the button %26#039;pages from Australia%26#039; ... then only Australian results show... however its not based on the url (i.e. because some .com%26#039;s show up as well... so is it the hosting company%26#039;s location, or is it the domain registration country?

How does google recognise which country a website comes from?

The ISP location.

How does google recognise which country a website comes from?

it says it in the url ussualy mexico canada china

the sites from the countries will all end the same

and the IP from the site can tell where the ISP is located

Other Replys:your IP address is specail to that country

Other Replys:Google knows where you live! what sites you go to! how long your at the site! what browser your using and lots lots more!!

Don%26#039;t underestimate the powers of Google.;)


Other Replys:Your ISP purchases a range of IP addresses and registers their location. That information is freely available.

Google know the ip address that you are connecting from. They can look up that address in a database.

For fun take a look at

Other Replys:Can be known by IP address. Check the link

To all web masters I have another question...?

I signed up for yahoo web hosting.. yahoo tells me I have also 100 sub domains with my plan. I Don%26#039;t really understand what a sub domain is and what it is used for. I tried different sites to get an answer but still don%26#039;t fully understand. The example yahoo gives is Is a sub domain like a e-mail address. To you pro%26#039;s this may sound like a stupid question, but we all have to start at the beginning and I am eager to learn. I am sure some of you guys started out with a little bit of knowledge on these matters. Could someone please explain to me in plain english what a sub domain is and how I can use it for my website. Thanks you guys/gals

To all web masters I have another question...?

those are subdomains.

To all web masters I have another question...? like if you want to add someone else %26quot;www%26quot; address to your site.

Other Replys:A subdomain is a seperate area of your own domain. For example if you own your sub domains could be, and the can be pointed to different areas of a web server or to do whatever you like with.

Other Replys:Think of sub domains like children in a family. You have the main domain, ie then you have sub domains like or

They are just easy ways to branch your website into different areas or in yahoo%26#039;s case, different services.

Other Replys:A sub domain gives a visitor direct access to a web page without going through the original homepage.

If you have a website called the pages devoted to your son and daughter would look like: and

However, you will have to direct visitors to the pages

originally called and

Look under %26quot;redirect%26quot; in your webhosting pages. Sorry, but I%26#039;ve never done it in Yahoo, so I%26#039;m not sure what their procedure is, they use. The redirect takes about a day or so to be registered.

Website Design?


I%26#039;m looking to design a basic website for my band as they%26#039;re doing pretty well locally now. I%26#039;m looking to do it my self. I have purchased a domain name but not yet a host. What are the next steps?

Does any one have any links to decent HTML guides etc (not too much reading).

Thank you.

Website Design?

You can learn HTML (I insist my website design students learn HTML first.)

I would go to:

Learn the basics then use an editor to design the website.

(Much easier then designing a page in HTML!)

I use both FrontPage and Dreamweaver but they cost $.

NVu and Kompozer are free HTML editors and they are great for starting out.

When you look at hosting make sure you have enough space and bandwidth. I only host with services that provide a CPanel interface.

Upload your website to your hosting. (called FTP)

After you set up the hosting you set the DNS servers of your domain name to point to your hosting.

Now type in and you should see your website.

Website Design?

probably best to use a builder tool if you are looking to get a site up in the next few weeks or months.....

IE frontpage, dreamweaver etc.

but if you really want to learn HTML then i would start with

the site that is great for html and if you get a chance look for a book called

%26quot;HTML for the world wide web%26quot; by Elizabeth Castro

great learning and referance book that I still use even today.

Other Replys:You might play with the free PageBreeze (and look at the HTML produced):

Other Replys:You can start with a wysiwyg editor (what you see is what you get). Dreamweaver is an excellent example of this. It%26#039;s great to start off, but it adds some crummy code so you%26#039;ll want to learn at least the basics of html.

Good luck

Other Replys:let me help you

this is the best way to create a web site because its really easy ckeck this page and watch the video

also you have the posibility to earn some extra money with their product

if you have any question let me know

Other Replys:Now buy web hosting from website like and learn html from , upload index.htm and few other html files to your web hosting account.

How do I block myspace, tried using everything I know no luck.?

I have tried, via router like port and IP settings, Domain or URL blocking, even tried hosts editing via system32 and Browser blocking no luck. All you have to do is access a web proxy server there alot of proxy servers or someone can just email you a link to myspace. You can access myspace or other websites that are blocked. Thanks!

How do I block myspace, tried using everything I know no luck.?

Yes, the only thing you can do is try to filter out as many proxies as possible but those keep changing. I do not know how your network(s) are configured but can you block port 80 for the offending users?

How do I block myspace, tried using everything I know no luck.?

Sorry man you%26#039;re outta luck there%26#039;s always ways to get around blocking systems. You can mess with your registry and make it so you can%26#039;t change the proxy but that can be edited back just as easily.

Register my business?

I just purchased a domain name, and am about to host my website. Let%26#039;s pretend for now that in 5 years my website will be just as popular as - do I need to %26quot;register%26quot; my business in any government type form? If so, what are the steps? Link to article if possible.

Thank you!

Register my business?

If you%26#039;re going to sell anything, you should register your business. Go to your state%26#039;s official website and click on the BUSINESS link.

I am new to the whole website thing. How do I set one up?

I have registered a domain name, and set up a host. is there anything else I need?

How do I start putting stuff on there- Microsoft frontpage?

I am new to the whole website thing. How do I set one up?

Hi there.

Let me be the first - of many - to warn you off of using frontpage. Frontpage isn%26#039;t even supported or recognised by Microsoft anymore, and that%26#039;s a symptom of how universally derided it is by any web designer worth their salt.

If you use frontpage, you will get a website no doubt. The problem is it will be replete with oudated, obsolete and downright inefficient %26#039;markup%26#039; - the actual HTML used to write pages. This could be fine, depending on your purpose for building a site. If it%26#039;s a simple personal website, and you already have frontpage, then maybe go for it - but in that case you might also be better off investigating some simple blagging software such as Word press.

If on the other hand your intentions are a little more professional and you actually want to learn how to write good markup, you%26#039;ll need something better. Dream weaver is the industry standard, it can still do WYSIWYG design (what you see is what you get) but the quality of it%26#039;s coding is significantly better and up to date (though it has to be said it%26#039;s not perfect). Crucially, this will lead you to a better understanding of the markup itself, which will enable you to quickly learn to hand code websites using nothing more than notepad if so desired.

It%26#039;s a steep learning curve. Above all, get acquainted with good forums such as where the members are only to happy to help beginners with any questions. They will also be able to direct you to further resources such as step by step beginners guides.

EDIT : In reply to the above poster - the homepage does NOT have to be index.htm or .html - it can be anything you desire including another language such as PHP (.php) or even a different name (eg, home.html) providing you set this up in a .htaccess file.

I am new to the whole website thing. How do I set one up?

read some tutorial from websites and learn or search on google. You sould first learn HTML and then PHP. ThanQ

Other Replys:You Need to know how you can upload files to your server it could be by http or ftp that depends of your host, also you need to know in which folder you need to put your content, the front page always needs to be index.htm, index.html also depends in your host config.

Other Replys:read tutorials on the web