
Sunday, May 23, 2010

I need help with internet Explore?!?!?

When I go to is says this

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host %26#039;; is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with %26#039;mysqladmin flush-hosts%26#039; in /home/admin/domains/ on line 90


What do I do?

I need help with internet Explore?!?!?

Nothing. It%26#039;s an issue with the database linkage on the website. Nothing you can solve yourself.

I need help with internet Explore?!?!?

Looks like a problem with the website itself and not a problem with your setup.

Other Replys:That looks like a problem with their website. Try again later.

Other Replys:

i get the same thing, its a problem with their website, not your computer.

How does google recognise which country a website comes from?

For instance, when I search for google results with the button %26#039;pages from Australia%26#039; ... then only Australian results show... however its not based on the url (i.e. because some .com%26#039;s show up as well... so is it the hosting company%26#039;s location, or is it the domain registration country?

How does google recognise which country a website comes from?

The ISP location.

How does google recognise which country a website comes from?

it says it in the url ussualy mexico canada china

the sites from the countries will all end the same

and the IP from the site can tell where the ISP is located

Other Replys:your IP address is specail to that country

Other Replys:Google knows where you live! what sites you go to! how long your at the site! what browser your using and lots lots more!!

Don%26#039;t underestimate the powers of Google.;)


Other Replys:Your ISP purchases a range of IP addresses and registers their location. That information is freely available.

Google know the ip address that you are connecting from. They can look up that address in a database.

For fun take a look at

Other Replys:Can be known by IP address. Check the link

To all web masters I have another question...?

I signed up for yahoo web hosting.. yahoo tells me I have also 100 sub domains with my plan. I Don%26#039;t really understand what a sub domain is and what it is used for. I tried different sites to get an answer but still don%26#039;t fully understand. The example yahoo gives is Is a sub domain like a e-mail address. To you pro%26#039;s this may sound like a stupid question, but we all have to start at the beginning and I am eager to learn. I am sure some of you guys started out with a little bit of knowledge on these matters. Could someone please explain to me in plain english what a sub domain is and how I can use it for my website. Thanks you guys/gals

To all web masters I have another question...?

those are subdomains.

To all web masters I have another question...? like if you want to add someone else %26quot;www%26quot; address to your site.

Other Replys:A subdomain is a seperate area of your own domain. For example if you own your sub domains could be, and the can be pointed to different areas of a web server or to do whatever you like with.

Other Replys:Think of sub domains like children in a family. You have the main domain, ie then you have sub domains like or

They are just easy ways to branch your website into different areas or in yahoo%26#039;s case, different services.

Other Replys:A sub domain gives a visitor direct access to a web page without going through the original homepage.

If you have a website called the pages devoted to your son and daughter would look like: and

However, you will have to direct visitors to the pages

originally called and

Look under %26quot;redirect%26quot; in your webhosting pages. Sorry, but I%26#039;ve never done it in Yahoo, so I%26#039;m not sure what their procedure is, they use. The redirect takes about a day or so to be registered.

Website Design?


I%26#039;m looking to design a basic website for my band as they%26#039;re doing pretty well locally now. I%26#039;m looking to do it my self. I have purchased a domain name but not yet a host. What are the next steps?

Does any one have any links to decent HTML guides etc (not too much reading).

Thank you.

Website Design?

You can learn HTML (I insist my website design students learn HTML first.)

I would go to:

Learn the basics then use an editor to design the website.

(Much easier then designing a page in HTML!)

I use both FrontPage and Dreamweaver but they cost $.

NVu and Kompozer are free HTML editors and they are great for starting out.

When you look at hosting make sure you have enough space and bandwidth. I only host with services that provide a CPanel interface.

Upload your website to your hosting. (called FTP)

After you set up the hosting you set the DNS servers of your domain name to point to your hosting.

Now type in and you should see your website.

Website Design?

probably best to use a builder tool if you are looking to get a site up in the next few weeks or months.....

IE frontpage, dreamweaver etc.

but if you really want to learn HTML then i would start with

the site that is great for html and if you get a chance look for a book called

%26quot;HTML for the world wide web%26quot; by Elizabeth Castro

great learning and referance book that I still use even today.

Other Replys:You might play with the free PageBreeze (and look at the HTML produced):

Other Replys:You can start with a wysiwyg editor (what you see is what you get). Dreamweaver is an excellent example of this. It%26#039;s great to start off, but it adds some crummy code so you%26#039;ll want to learn at least the basics of html.

Good luck

Other Replys:let me help you

this is the best way to create a web site because its really easy ckeck this page and watch the video

also you have the posibility to earn some extra money with their product

if you have any question let me know

Other Replys:Now buy web hosting from website like and learn html from , upload index.htm and few other html files to your web hosting account.

How do I block myspace, tried using everything I know no luck.?

I have tried, via router like port and IP settings, Domain or URL blocking, even tried hosts editing via system32 and Browser blocking no luck. All you have to do is access a web proxy server there alot of proxy servers or someone can just email you a link to myspace. You can access myspace or other websites that are blocked. Thanks!

How do I block myspace, tried using everything I know no luck.?

Yes, the only thing you can do is try to filter out as many proxies as possible but those keep changing. I do not know how your network(s) are configured but can you block port 80 for the offending users?

How do I block myspace, tried using everything I know no luck.?

Sorry man you%26#039;re outta luck there%26#039;s always ways to get around blocking systems. You can mess with your registry and make it so you can%26#039;t change the proxy but that can be edited back just as easily.

Register my business?

I just purchased a domain name, and am about to host my website. Let%26#039;s pretend for now that in 5 years my website will be just as popular as - do I need to %26quot;register%26quot; my business in any government type form? If so, what are the steps? Link to article if possible.

Thank you!

Register my business?

If you%26#039;re going to sell anything, you should register your business. Go to your state%26#039;s official website and click on the BUSINESS link.

I am new to the whole website thing. How do I set one up?

I have registered a domain name, and set up a host. is there anything else I need?

How do I start putting stuff on there- Microsoft frontpage?

I am new to the whole website thing. How do I set one up?

Hi there.

Let me be the first - of many - to warn you off of using frontpage. Frontpage isn%26#039;t even supported or recognised by Microsoft anymore, and that%26#039;s a symptom of how universally derided it is by any web designer worth their salt.

If you use frontpage, you will get a website no doubt. The problem is it will be replete with oudated, obsolete and downright inefficient %26#039;markup%26#039; - the actual HTML used to write pages. This could be fine, depending on your purpose for building a site. If it%26#039;s a simple personal website, and you already have frontpage, then maybe go for it - but in that case you might also be better off investigating some simple blagging software such as Word press.

If on the other hand your intentions are a little more professional and you actually want to learn how to write good markup, you%26#039;ll need something better. Dream weaver is the industry standard, it can still do WYSIWYG design (what you see is what you get) but the quality of it%26#039;s coding is significantly better and up to date (though it has to be said it%26#039;s not perfect). Crucially, this will lead you to a better understanding of the markup itself, which will enable you to quickly learn to hand code websites using nothing more than notepad if so desired.

It%26#039;s a steep learning curve. Above all, get acquainted with good forums such as where the members are only to happy to help beginners with any questions. They will also be able to direct you to further resources such as step by step beginners guides.

EDIT : In reply to the above poster - the homepage does NOT have to be index.htm or .html - it can be anything you desire including another language such as PHP (.php) or even a different name (eg, home.html) providing you set this up in a .htaccess file.

I am new to the whole website thing. How do I set one up?

read some tutorial from websites and learn or search on google. You sould first learn HTML and then PHP. ThanQ

Other Replys:You Need to know how you can upload files to your server it could be by http or ftp that depends of your host, also you need to know in which folder you need to put your content, the front page always needs to be index.htm, index.html also depends in your host config.

Other Replys:read tutorials on the web

Why can't I FTP to my server from my own computer?

This is a very strange thing. I recently just got a domain name and some server space hosted by a friend. When I was at home, everything worked great, I could upload files using FTP and all that. Then, I moved back to school (I%26#039;m a college student) and for some reason, the same settings, user/pass I used at home don%26#039;t work on my computer at school. The connection just times out when I try to FTP to my server. However, it works on any other computer besides my own. The website isn%26#039;t down or anything either, it works fine and loads fine when I access it. It%26#039;s just FTPing to it. I%26#039;m running Windows XP, and typically use Filezilla to upload files.

Why can%26#039;t I FTP to my server from my own computer?

if the server is working and it works everywhere else, maybe your FTP software got corrupted somehow - possibly a file or 2 got deleted accidentally or the registry is messed up or something?

Why can%26#039;t I FTP to my server from my own computer?

It sounds like it may be a global computer issue rather than a software issue. Making FTP work can be difficult. Can you FTP to any site? (Try One easy thing to check is the difference between active and passive FTP access. This is controlled for Windows by the IE %26#039;Tools - Internet Options - Advanced%26#039; checkbox. You might also try searching the web for %26quot;FTP troubleshoot%26quot; as there are good resources out there. Also, there is a good description of how FTP works on Wikipedia ( - that may help.

Web site design, is there a free no ads professional way to do it?

I have recently started a company and need to get my web site up and running. Whats the best way to do it. I have designed the pages in MS Word just as a starting point, have down loaded different web page design software Serif Web Plus for one and they seem limited in what you can do. What is the best software to use on a budget. I also have registed my domain name but they do not host websites, where do I upload my website to and is there a cost?

Web site design, is there a free no ads professional way to do it?

Hell nobody spoke about Google Apps For Your domain. It offers you not only free hosting but also provides you upto 200 or more Email IDs at your (Gmail style, with lot of other features like Google page creator, calendar, Google Talk, start page etc). If you already have a domain name, you just have to visit at and register for your domain. If you don%26#039;t have a domain name yet then you can purchase a domain name for $10.

You can read the Help documents there. In case you have any issues with setting up your account you can join Google group for more help.

In case you are just looking for a free ad-free host you can check out the list at

Hope this helps



Web site design, is there a free no ads professional way to do it?

i doubt u will find a free host with no adds ... but for a few bucks a month u can ...

Other Replys:if your mate has a real website then ask him nicely and he can make a free sub-domain for you that will surely have no ads.

Other Replys:try

theyre cheap and good if u want proffesional pages try making a google account u can then use googlepages to make ur site and it will automatically be placed on the internet you can then just use ur domain name to redirect it to there...... if u need an invite for a google account just email me kk...... :)

Other Replys:A domain with hosting at a minimum level will cost around $50 per year. As for the design and development, you can spend a little or a lot.


Other Replys:yes it already free, with a limited edtion of a program call FRONTPAGE which works like a publisher, this comes free with windows.

hope this helps


Other Replys:For maximum flexibilty in design, I would recommend trying to learn/understand the building blocks of a web page. These are namely HyperText Markup Langauge (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Generally the advice is to put your content with the HTML and then position it with CSS. Take a look at and for some advice.

If you learn the HTML and CSS then you can just use Notepad/Textedit to build your site - they come free with Windows/MacOSX.

Other Replys:at you get 3 domains and 100gb of webspace

Other Replys:If you have an internet connection, there is a good chance that you have some %26#039;web space%26#039; allocated to this account.

You domain provider will have some way of pointing the domain name at your webspace..

Look for things like ftp settings - this is how you upload to your webspace

and your url - where you go to look at your webspace.

Other Replys:I found Is the easiest program to use you can host your website and edit it very easy and whenever you need to it also has a drag and drop interface for easy use.

If I change my webhost will my Google PageRank reset to 0?

Same domain name and site, but switching host (and nameservers.)

If I change my webhost will my Google PageRank reset to 0?

No it will not have any effect. It is your site that matters not the webhost.

Regards, Zyfert

If I change my webhost will my Google PageRank reset to 0?


Has anyone?

Has anyone ever used Microsoft Office Live Basics, i dont get what the catch is, there must be one, a free domain name and a free web host, it looks too good to be true.

Tell me what you think please

Has anyone?

You%26#039;re locked in, somewhat, to MS software; you have to put up with the %26quot;possibilities%26quot; that either (1) they may stop it someday or (2) they may decide to charge for hosting someday - they say the domain name is yours to keep, but if they decide to relinquish registration services, then you%26#039;d have to pay someone else to be %26quot;registrar. (cheap, $7 per year plus or minus) and (3) it%26#039;s somewhat constrained in customization - you can%26#039;t make the web page(s) look as much like your own as you could if you wrote %26quot;raw code%26quot; and placed it on an %26quot;owned%26quot; website.

Has anyone?

Its good, works well, no immediate catches;

Whilst it is not as good as the pay for stuff, it is a kind of teaser, but it is what it says it is, no hidden catch, in fact they are pretty upfront about the whole thing

Other Replys:If it has anything to do with Microsoft it is either overpriced, low quality, or a combination of both. If you think Microsoft is going to give you anything, then I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.

Other Replys:%26quot; as at the conclusion of the Office Live Collaboration Beta, when beta customers will be asked if they would like to continue using our services on a paid, monthly subscription basis%26quot;

after rading this, looks like it%26#039;s in their beta.. perhaps not really beta... they are just looking for a way to attract new customers.. one their beta testing has finished they will ask you if you want to become a paid customer..

Can I use dreamweaver and publish my project to

I have a domain from and I host free through Can I use dreamweaver to create my website and upload to freehostia? If not, can you please recommend what program I should use?

Can I use dreamweaver and publish my project to

You can but the uploading would not be directly through Dreamweaver. You could save the files from Dreamweaver and then upload them all through the interface that your host,, has.

Can I use dreamweaver and publish my project to

I have never used before, so i%26#039;m not sure as to what server technology it uses, but if they gave you FTP login information when you signed up, yes, you can upload your new site through dreamweaver (go to site%26gt;new site to create new server connection ) if you don%26#039;t have FTP login information, you will have to upload your website files directly through your file manager at freehostia.

regardless of whether you use dreamweaver to upload your files or you do it through the file manager, dreamweaver is an excellent program for designing websites and i highly recommend it.

in order for you to see your new site, you MUST name the very first page you come to (when you type in the web address) %26quot;index.html%26quot; and must be in your www folder on your server space. make sure any linking pages/support files are in there too, and any old site files are deleted also.

Detailed explanation of how to make sub-domains?

How would i put a file e.g. hello.htm in a sub domain on my site so it looks like:

instead of

My host (go daddy) says i can have several sub domains

How would i do this?

Detailed explanation of how to make sub-domains?

Sub-domains are referenced to the right of your main domain name. You registered with go daddy a domain and at the same time created a sub-domain You could (at least theoretically I don%26#039;t know go daddy%26#039;s limitations) create a as a different sub-domain. This site is a sub-domain of the site.

Sub-domain%26#039;s can have separate IP addresses, and/or can be redirected to different directories by your webservices on your server.

To implement what you describe is easy, and has nothing to do with sub-domains.

1) You create a folder %26quot;hello%26quot; in your web-root directory.

2) You copy hello.htm + everything it references into that directory.

3) You rename hello.htm to be index.htm, or perhaps default.htm if you are using IIS as your webserver.

I need to add a free forum to my website that is windows based, i guess.?

my site is hosted by godaddy and is being built up by another company. I want to get a free forum on my site that is within my site. They are suggesting I purchase another domain name and then pay 40/year to get it hosted on the server at some forum site, but since i am already paying for hosting on my website, why should i pay 40 more?

does anyone know of a free forum that i can integrate into my website hosted by godaddy, that is windows based?

please help soon!!!!


I need to add a free forum to my website that is windows based, i guess.?

Totally agree with the previous answer. phpBB is a solid, sound forum package with a huge community and many third party developers.

You won%26#039;t need to worry about it being %26#039;Windows based%26#039; as the software is run by the web server. By the time it gets to your browser its actually only being sent basic HTML as the PHP code is %26#039;parsed%26#039; (translated) by the web server.

Take a look at the sources for the official phpBB website, a page devoted to additions (note that %26#039;hack%26#039; refers to programming and nothing more) and a website run on a fairly standard phpBB installation.

I need to add a free forum to my website that is windows based, i guess.?

id recommend you get phpbb, simple to use. and you can use a subdomain name, not another domain name


using a subdomain name intergrates your forums with your website, becuase if its a different domain name people think its not your site.

I am new to the buying domains and website.?

I am new to the buying domains and website. So i want to know what is hosting and how it is helpful.

I am new to the buying domains and website.?

you must have hosting in order to have a website. a domain is the address, a website is the property, and you can%26#039;t have the property without hosting.

I am new to the buying domains and website.?

A webhosting service %26quot;sponsors%26quot; your site onto the internet. You pay them a monthly fee and they host your website, usually provide software to build your site, email accounts and a variety of other services depending on the company.

I use bluehost. You can see what they offer at

Other Replys:This would be to long to answer this entire question. I%26#039;ve just provided you with some very useful research links and can help expand your knowledge in this field. Based on your question you need a LOT more research before you jump into starting a website.

What is HTML:

How to HTML:

What is Domain Name:

What is a web page:

Other Replys:hosting is simply that a company allows you to place your website with them %26amp; use their server, it%26#039;s helpful in the fact that your site has to have a host in order to be up %26amp; running, there are many companies that will host your site or build you a site, i have found one that will host your site that has already been built or allow you to step by step build your site then host it all for just $10

Other Replys:You can get a good idea by looking at several web hosts and what they offer. The web host that I use has a great video on their website. It will explain the benefits of a website and answer your question about web hosting regardless of the one you choose.


Home-hosted Web Server with 2 wire router/modem?

I cannot access my home-hosted webserver from inside my home network using my registered domain name. I can only access it from outside (such as from work) the netowrk or with a local IP address. This was never a problem when I used a Linksys router, even if I called the page from the web server itself using the domain name.

Any suggestions for a change in configuration to the 2Wire?

I have an AT%26amp;T 2Wire 2700.

Home-hosted Web Server with 2 wire router/modem?

Assuming you%26#039;ve set everything up identically, the new router is either too smart or too dumb to forward packets addressed to the public IP address from the LAN back to your server.

Edit your computer%26#039;s hosts file ( ) to override the DNS for that domain name.

Web Design Question...?

So I%26#039;m creating a web site for a co-worker. This will be my first website for an actual company...

Anyhoo-she is already paying for her domain annually through a company called Domain Discover. I am trying to find her a web hosting company that doesn%26#039;t charge too much. Any suggestions?

And in the real world, would I be the one finding the web hosting company or would that be up to her?

Also, the site will be mostly informational with 5 pages. One of them a mini photo gallery. It may have videos in the future. Roughly, how much webspace would I need for this? I want to leave room for the company site to grow...

If it helps, the %26quot;company%26quot; is a ranch.

Web Design Question...?

Have a look at It takes about 20 seconds to sign up and the site will be available in less than 15 minutes. You can do it or pass it over to your friend. There isn%26#039;t any contract and there%26#039;s more than enough space for a very large site. 250 meg. You can enterl the domain name in the control panel but it will take a few days to filter through. Everything is free. I use it for my tutorials site

If you want to get started straight away, you can leave your domain name off and enter your %26quot;domainname%26quot; so that the site will run as immediately. Like my site above.

Web Design Question...?

Go with HostGator.

Been with them for years. Great price. Great support.

Other Replys:I would like to suggest following webhosting which I use, they are excellent.


They offer hosting of %26quot;unlimited domains%26quot; and you will get massive webspace of 300000 MB (300 GB ). They only charge $5.95/month and they offer %26quot;a free Domain Name%26quot; and installing service called %26quot;Fantastico%26quot;. By using Fantastico, you could create own forum, photo gallery, shopping cart (e-commerce),your own auction site and your own blogs within few seconds. They also offer %26quot;Free Website Builder%26quot; as well.

Visit the site to check details.


More hosting visit


If you would like free ad-free hosting, try

Really, really basic website build question.?

Ok, I%26#039;ve registered for a domain name, and I%26#039;ve signed up with a hosting service. I realise I have to build a website myself via Frontpage or Dreamweaver, for example. But could someone just please talk me through the mechanics of how I link this up with the service/name I%26#039;ve just bought.

Sorry to seem dense, but I just can%26#039;t see how to get from A (where I am now) to B (working website). All the Webhosts FAQs and Forum questions are way beyond me.

Thanks for your patient and kind explanations - (be nice, I%26#039;m the wrong side of 50).

Really, really basic website build question.?

have a look here for more tips

If you want more info you can search googe for %26quot;how to upload your web site%26quot;

Really, really basic website build question.?

you%26#039;re not dense!

Email or chat me... I%26#039;ll be glad to help.

Other Replys:.....

Other Replys:At a really basic level (and i mean really basic), this is how it works.

You will create your page in dreamweaver/frontpage, and it will generate a series of .html files. You will need to transfer (or %26quot;upload%26quot;) these files to your web server via FTP (file transfer protocol).

your web host probably has some kind of web based FTP which will let you browse for the .html files on your computer and upload them to the server.

good luck!

Other Replys:You have to upload your webpages (point a) onto the server (point b) through a transfer, this is usally through a FTP which stands for %26#039;file transfer protocol%26#039;. It also depends on which webhost your using.

Other Replys:hmmm, they should be helping you, I think thru dreamweaver you should be able to connect thu the host, they should have given y ou the passwords so that you can upload your stuff. I%26#039;m taking dreamweaver as we speak, we upload our homework to ftp space and he gave us the appropriate passwords and he gave us the url for our space. Don%26#039;t forget to synchronize, I alwa;ys forget that. I have not gotten a real site online yet, but I%26#039;m pretty sure you just have to put in that host info when you set up the managed site thingy.

Other Replys:sorry i don%26#039;t know

Other Replys:you mean point the domain name towards your hosting? um, logon to where you bought your domain name there should be something like manage domains or a clickable link of your domain or something.

itll ask for a name server that was provided to you from where you bought your hosting.

Other Replys:I take it you have a particular type of site in mind.

For really basic websites you can actually get websites that will do all of this for free, like the following:

These will give you a %26#039;subdomain%26#039;, i.e. or

You can also get free domain names from these sites:

Other Replys:Right ill give it a try;

-Once your host has set up the domain and hosting for you, they will send you log-in details for the FTP/hosting account.

-For example %26#039;frontpage%26#039;. Create a page called either %26#039;index.html%26#039; or %26#039;index.htm%26#039;. Then file and save.

-Go to file and then publish website.

-It will ask for the URL of the website...this can change. (this is going to be the location of where the site is going to be published. All hosts are kinda different with the way they work)

-You can either refer to the set up information they provided you or you can try the following;

A) Type in


-Then you%26#039;ll know if it works, as it asks for a username and password. The one the host gave you.

-upload your site

Your now done, and visit it. As that was an example, it will be on a larger scale if its on your drive. Like a site you already designed. -You get used to it. Does it have a Host with it?

Ok I have a domain at I was wondering if i can host a site there or do I need to go somewhere seperate. Also can any one tell me the cheapest place to host a site if I cant do a host at Does it have a Host with it?

You can host for free at ,etc.

What is best price for my website?

I want sell this website (skin + source + plugin + no domain). I will help you install it to your hosting if you want.

What is the best price for me

My website is . Thank

What is best price for my website?

I am a certified website designer, I can tell you what you need to do - it%26#039;s apparent from research that your working with GoDaddy, you can ask what the transfer price is. Please note, I am not in any means looking to purchase your website.

How can I go after someone violating copyright on the internet?

If someone took some stuff of mine that is copyrighted and put it up on their website--If their domain name is private or it is a free hosting provider..what can I do to get them to remove it?

How can I go after someone violating copyright on the internet?

Courts have long recognized a %26quot;fair use%26quot; exception to copyright law. For example, over the years courts ruled that individuals may copy limited amounts of copyrighted material for critical reviews, news reporting, research, and teaching. Congress wrote the concept of fair use into the 1976 Copyright Act.

Congress noted that no clear definition of fair use is %26quot;possible, and each case raising the question must be decided on its own facts.%26quot; The law gives courts four factors to consider in determining whether something is fair use:

(1) The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes.

(2) The nature of the copyrighted work.

(3) The amount and substantially of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole.

(4) The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

So if you think that the alleged website is violating your copyright then you can take legal action. You can avail legal remedies like Injunctions, impounding, damages %26amp; profits, costs %26amp; attorney%26#039;s fees, etc.

Under the law the copyright owner may sue an infringer in civil court for lost sales and other money damages. In addition, the government may prosecute infringers in criminal court for violating U.S. copyright laws.

How can I go after someone violating copyright on the internet?

would that not be a lawsuit

Other Replys:you find a lawyer that deals with intellectual property. this includes internet copyrights. talk to them and they will be able to guide you in the right direction.

Other Replys:Do like I did. For a few bucks I found the person. I talked to him about it. He said F***off.

You know, that poor sucker has been missing almost two years now.

Other Replys:You get an attorney to send them a cease %26amp; desist letter. Then if they don%26#039;t stop, you retain an attorney who does intellectual property litigation in a jurisdiction where they can be sued.

Where should i buy domains or TLD top level domains like .com from?

Where should i buy domains or TLD top level domains like .com from? I%26#039;m trying to buy direct so i know i won%26#039;t have to pay a ton of money if i make a site and want to renew. I also want to try to buy it for like 100 years or the maximum limit. I also know domain forwarding is only to your ip address of where you host the site. So no need to give extra info :)

Where should i buy domains or TLD top level domains like .com from?

I like GoDaddy.

Do Not Purchase from RegisterFly!

They are in the middle of a huge and messy lawsuit (

Where should i buy domains or TLD top level domains like .com from?

There%26#039;s a site that claims that it gives you free domain names, but it probably has a catch. It%26#039;s called Tell me how it goes.

Other Replys:I got mine from Yahoo. Its reasonably priced and a reputable company. I like how they give you a free domain forward. This way, if you%26#039;re using a free site like blogger, myspace, etc you don%26#039;t have to worry about changing the name if the site goes away. You just tell people your domain name and they find you.

Provided one has enough storage space and memory, what is required to become an internet server?

If one has enough storage space and enough memory, how can one host websites and provide domains?

Provided one has enough storage space and memory, what is required to become an internet server?

For webservers it really isnt a question of memory and storage, its a question of bandwidth. You have to have enough for everyone who may want to visit your sites and that can be alot at any single moment The minium should be no less than 1.5 out and 1.5 in (T1 if you will) Once your sites get busy that will not be enough either.

To setup a server just add apache its the most popular webserver software today. Can be loaded on any OS although you are better off with linux, unix, freeBSD etc.

Provided one has enough storage space and memory, what is required to become an internet server?

I would respond to your email but you dont have that enabled

You can download Fedora Linux at

or Ubuntu at Get the SERVER editions and everything you need is included. Report It

Other Replys:a stattic ip or an accouunt with a dhcp server, there are some set up for this

a secure oS

try Fedora, slackware, openbsd, freebsd before you use windows

fedora has selinux policy as part of the package along with php and sql packages to choose

openbsd and freebsd are very secure

you will need to register a domain name

Changing my DNS?

If I have a domain name with yahoo and want to point its DNS to my hosting company, will this allow me to stop using domain fowarding and then it will change the pages when users click on them from to,

thanks for the help in advance and Happy New Yr!

Changing my DNS?

You need to contact your registrar and update the DNS Servers.

This is simply done, by either sending them an email, or most registrars will have online console to make the changes.

Your new host can provide you with their DNS Server names if needed.

Website uploading probs! Help!?

We%26#039;ve just changed our hosting and domain name, having a problem uploading the website.

I use WS-FTP Ipswitch to upload the site and have had no problems until now.

Here is the site - Maybe someone can tell me what%26#039;s going on and how to solve it?!

Many many thanks to anyone that can help :D

Website uploading probs! Help!?

What troubles do yo have? It looks like your site is up. Only trouble is that I don%26#039;t land on your homepage, but on the indexpage.

Parent Directory 20-May-2007 13:23 -

_private/ 20-May-2007 13:26 -

cgi-bin/ 17-May-2007 14:38 -

html/ 20-May-2007 15:41 -

images/ 20-May-2007 13:26 -

postinfo.html 20-May-2007 13:26 2k

I have to click on html to watch your page.

Website uploading probs! Help!?

well u havent set your index page... how u think .. ur index page will display?

Other Replys:try this directly in address bar and you will see that it ok.

The problem is that you have not done correct directory settings in IIS you might have given

change it to


How to make a cheap website?

i want to make a website for purpose of putting ads on it with google aadsense or yahoo marketing

but i need to pay lowest price for hosting and domain name.

how can i attract the most traffic to my site?

what the best subject for the site to make large revenue?

How to make a cheap website?

Go here:

How to make a cheap website?

Google does it the best and it%26#039;s free... go to:

to find out more

Other Replys:you can go to try it!!!

Other Replys:Microsoft (free domain and hosting for life) , Google (Googlepages, Blogger) , Yahoo (Geocities), Freewebs are some of the companies offering free websites with design tools . A list of free websites with features and links is available at

Other Replys:

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Fee hosting

Economy Plan: $3.99/mo

鈥?5 GB Space 鈥?250 GB Transfer

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dedicated server detail homepage:

price detail homepage:

Other Replys:my friend i have the perfect website for you. it includes over 1000 links to free advertising websites including free directories, free search engine submissions, free viral marketing, free top keywords and much much more

investing in the big daddy search engine and program hoppers will prove very profitable

Help with creating a web server?

could someone please help me with making a web server. i think you call it that - one that can host domains. i have an old computer to do this on. i am a complete novice in networking. what%26#039;s linus? can you recommend it? thanks.

Help with creating a web server?

Linux is an operating system for computers. It serves many of the same purposes as Microsoft Windows, but it%26#039;s engineered differently.

It can often be dowloaded for free (or purchased on CDROM for just a few dollars). It usually comes with a free web server (Apache) bundled right in, which is why so many people suggest it for hosting from home. No licensing fees!

If you%26#039;re not yet familiar with it, it can be a little difficult to use. If your computer is old or has any weird hardware pieces (networking, video card) that are not common, it can be a little difficult to use. But there are many different varieties of Linux out there, and some come with very easy to follow instructions or are ready to go right out of the box for web hosting.

Hosting a web domain is not hard, but it does take a little education about networking and routing, IP addresses and such.

For instance -- unless you have a static IP address from your ISP, you%26#039;ll need to use a Dynamic DNS hostname to send traffic to your computer at home since the IP address won%26#039;t be the same from day to day.

Alternatively, web-based hosting packages can be really affordable. Have you looked into the cost of simply buying monthly hosting from a reputable provider like GoDaddy? Their basic packages start at just a few dollars a month. You just upload your files and done. No servers to configure, and nothing to learn. Easy, easy.

If you are dead set on hosting out of your house, it can be done fairly easily with Linux, but it will require some patience on your part, and probably a lot of reading on web forums to get your basic setup questions answered.

But if you%26#039;re good with system setups, even on Windows, some of the concepts will make sense, and you might have a better experience than I did when I first started with it.

Online affiliate marketing?

I%26#039;m planning on conducting on-line affiliate marketing soon. i got my homepage ready, now up to finding a hosting and domain name. If any of you are doing on-line affiliate business and has found it to be working effectively, I%26#039;d like to hear your story. I kinda need some encouragement here coz I;m new to this kinda stuff. Have you made good money out of it? How long have you been doing it? Some tips for success appreciated! Pls let me know, thanks!

Online affiliate marketing?

You probably already know what has the best opportunities because they do all software and the commissions are fairly high.

I am trying it myself and am just starting. I am going get into public records and see how that works out. Clickbank%26#039;s programs in that area havde about $20 - $ 25 commission per sale. I%26#039;ll try advertising on AdWords and see what kind of ROI I get. You should use the paid option of to come up with narrowed keywords if you plan to advertise with AdWords like I am.

If you want, why don%26#039;t we keep in touch %26amp; compare notes?

Online affiliate marketing?

Be careful with Google Adwords, as you can lose lots of money marketing that way if you have no experience. You also don%26#039;t need to spend any real money marketing your business online if you are able to build valuable content. I have been an affiliate marketer, SEO for over 7 years and made quite a bit of money online using Google and SEDO, with parked pages. Clickbank does pay high commissions, however, the competition for the same product is really tough for beginners. regards, osagie irowa.

Other Replys:I%26#039;ve been making a living with affiliate marketing for 2 years.

If you haven%26#039;t heard yet, the money is in the List!

Get some quality info products to offer for a

visitor%26#039;s name and e-mail address.If you don%26#039;t

know what a squeeze page is, find out and use one.

Google adwords will max out your credit card in a flash,

if you do not know what you are doing.For an

example of a squeeze page and an excellent book

on Google adwords at no cost visit:

Other Replys:Have you tried this, I%26#039;ve made $175 in 3 weeks :)

Other Replys:Hi,

I sell real estate part-time it allows me to work from home.You might want to try selling real estate with a company that will alllow you to do this.Real estate can be very up and down business I also supplement my income with this site.It is completly free to join and no gimicks! Check it out and good luck.


Other Replys:Check out our affiliate network at We have over 300 offers you can use for your website and some of the best payouts on the net!

Other Replys:Good! you took action and you are already ahead many people.

Here is my story...

I started with $0.00 in early 2006 (a friend of mine paid my rent for 3 months), and last year, I made $8000 profits. It%26#039;s nothing exceptional, but today I earn more than $1000 a month and it%26#039;s growing.

I wrote an ebook about my mistakes. Read it so you can avoid them:

Now, I coach student in affiliate marketing. I am an affiliate marekter since 2006, here is my site:

Plus you can read my free tutorial (just click to download the pdf):

Feel free to contact me for guidance.

I%26#039;d be glad to hear what you think about my ebooks.

All the best,


How can I own license to my website?

I%26#039;m having a webdesigner build a online store for me but I want to make sure that I hold all the rights to the store. The hosting and domain name is in my name but how can I get the rights to the website itself that he%26#039;s programing for me?

How can I own license to my website?

Do you have a contract? What does it say?

Generally, if you are paying for the work, it is called a work-for-hire and you own the work.

How can I own license to my website?

If you hired him to do the work for you, you own whatever comes from the work. It should be in his contract, probably something specifying that web site developed by %26quot;HIM%26quot;, but the site code, is yours.

You might want to discuss some things with a lawyer, as there will be a lot of things you need to know to make your business succesful and profitable. Spend a $100 for an hour of lawyer time, and it will be useful forever.

Other Replys:always make contract.... or after work is done u copy all files from hosting server for just in case....

Other Replys:You can find step by step guide on how to create a website at ,but domain and web hosting yourself and create a ftp account so that the web developer can upload it to your web hosting account.

Is there any way to recover avi data from my hard disk. I have deleted my file by mistake.This is im

This data is my wedding ceremoney video. So you can understand how valuable this is. I have deleted my data 2 days ago by mistake. Now I have not any copy available of this data. So, Please help me to recover this data. The best answer will get a free website with free hosting and domain name by me. I personally pay for this. So, please help me to recover my wedding video. I f you want any more detail of my problem please feel free to mail me any time to my rediff id - or my yahoo id

Is there any way to recover avi data from my hard disk. I have deleted my file by mistake.This is important...

if you deleted it by the recycle bin, try doing a system restore in the start, programs, acessories, system tools! go back before you deleted it!

Is there any way to recover avi data from my hard disk. I have deleted my file by mistake.This is important...

It sometimes works, easiest way to start try your restore function go back a week or two, it just might restore the file.

its your wedding films so heres a program you can use

Other Replys:there possibly is a way to get it back and that is with data recovery software a good one is PC inspector which you can get here

if windows has written to the disk over your file I%26#039;m afraid you may have lost it forever but don%26#039;t delay get this and use it a soon a possible the longer you leave it the more chance it has of being written over

Other Replys:I won%26#039;t take the free website, but I can tell you how to best have a chance of recovering it.


The less you use the computer, the better chance you will have of being able to fully recover the data.

When you delete a file, it just overwrites the first few bytes of data, it doesn%26#039;t erase the whole file. The first few bytes is where the file name, size and location of fragments is stored.

Using the computer can potentially overwrite the other parts of the file making it much more difficult to recover the file.

There are a few file recovery softwares out there you could try, Easy recovery pro is one that I like. But, I suggest you bring it into your nearest repair shop and have someone who has done it before do it for you. It will save you a good sized headache, and should not cost you more than around $150.

Hello, I want to ask how much is the cost of starting a website in Malaysia? In RM please?

What is the steps?

All I know is get a hosting and domain name and pay it. Is it the way?How much is it?

Hello, I want to ask how much is the cost of starting a website in Malaysia? In RM please?

check this site::

Hello, I want to ask how much is the cost of starting a website in Malaysia? In RM please?

Why not try this? I saw it when I was reading your question.

Sponsor Results

Build A Website - Free

Build, Design %26amp; Make A Professional Website In Minutes. Try...

and this?

Seems both are free! So RM 0/-

Other Replys:That%26#039;s the nice thing about the web, it doesn%26#039;t matter where you are.

Depends on what you want, and what you can and can%26#039;t do.


Other Replys:Have a look at this, all inclusive:

What is the best way to make money off of websites and blogs?

I know that the best way is through ads. What I am really looking for here is tips for making the most out of your ads and what are the best ad services. I am preparing several websites and blogs that I want to put on the internet in order to make some money. My initial goal is to make at least $9.99 per month to cover my hosting and domain costs.

What is the best way to make money off of websites and blogs?

User affiliate marketing through match your products to the content of your website and blogs.

Also once you build a little traffic, try to get approved for Google Adsense.

You biggest hurdle is getting traffic to your site. You will have to market your rear end off to build traffic, by getting incoming links to your sites, by posting to forums, by getting listed in diretories such as and .

If you have traffic and a good match of content to product, you%26#039;ll easily exceed that 9.99/month probably by 10 to 100 fold.

For great advice visit .

What is the best way to make money off of websites and blogs?

Anything with pornographic content is potentially profitable. Remember, sex sells.

Other Replys:the best methods are here, read them all, easy and small,

Other Replys:You can start making money by selling all kinds of Information online.

Other Replys:Both of the following programs offer legitimate, work from home opportunities where you can make a lot of money each week:


What does turn-the-key mean in turnkey website?

I was looking at turnkey sites on, and i noticed it says %26quot;A turnkey website is sold as completely functional, operating website, with hosting and domain name included. All the buyer needs to do is %26quot;turn the key%26quot; and they are ready to do business%26quot;

What does it mean when it says turn-the-key.

What does turn-the-key mean in turnkey website?

It%26#039;s a pretty meaningless corporate jargony phrase (like %26quot;solution%26quot;) that%26#039;s supposed to mean that there%26#039;s nothing to build or do, just %26quot;turn the key,%26quot; like in a car, to turn it on and get going.

Personally, I avoid companies that rely so heavily on jargon phrases like that. It usually means they can%26#039;t come up with an original way to describe their product.

What does turn-the-key mean in turnkey website?

I think what they mean by turnk a key is you basicly get your site and hosting and you are good to go. I own a site that sells turnkey sites $39 and once you choose the name of your site we set it up. Then the customer needs to market it. thats pretty muchit Report It

Hello, I want to ask how much is the cost of starting a website in Malaysia? In RM please?

What is the steps?

All I know is get a hosting and domain name and pay it. Is it the way?How much is it?

Hello, I want to ask how much is the cost of starting a website in Malaysia? In RM please?

check this site::

Hello, I want to ask how much is the cost of starting a website in Malaysia? In RM please?

Why not try this? I saw it when I was reading your question.

Sponsor Results

Build A Website - Free

Build, Design %26amp; Make A Professional Website In Minutes. Try...

and this?

Seems both are free! So RM 0/-

Other Replys:That%26#039;s the nice thing about the web, it doesn%26#039;t matter where you are.

Depends on what you want, and what you can and can%26#039;t do.


Other Replys:Have a look at this, all inclusive:

What do i need to make a website?

Im building a large community website with Webplus 10, i dont really have a clue how this works but im going to sign up to 1%26amp;1 for web hosting and domain etc, is there anything else i need to do, my friend asked if i knew what FTP clients and networking were and said i need to know about them, i didnt know what they were, anybody help?

a list of things would be good

What do i need to make a website?

First of all, if you%26#039;re using cPanel you don%26#039;t necessarily need a FTP program... the File Manager may actually be more secure, if you%26#039;re accessing your account via HTTPS (SSL) which you should be, to protect your password from hijackers. With File Manager all you need to get files to and from your server (and set permissions on files and folders, and decompress archives, and all sorts of other goodies) is your web browser.

As to actual FTP software, have a look at the full-featured and free FileZilla...

What do i need to make a website?

First off, FTP stands for %26#039;File Transfer Protocol%26#039;.

I personally recommend FireFTP. It%26#039;s an add-on to Firefox.

It can be found and downloaded here %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

I%26#039;m so glad you%26#039;re signing up with 1%26amp;1. That%26#039;s the first step in the right direction.

Please contact me if you need %26quot;serious%26quot; help as there is a posting limit for answers to questions.


Other Replys:Well first of i would use microsofts Visual Web Developer to create the is a very nice program, you can use drag and drop features and not have to know any of all its absolutley FREE of charge.....FTP is what you use to transfer the files that you created for the webpage to the hosting company that is going to host them for need and ftp transfer program there is also another free program for that called Smart FTP they are both very good programs and i use them both...i put links to both below....good luck with your endeavor

What questions would you like to see banned here?

Here%26#039;s my list -

1 - How do I get a free website?

2 - Where can I get a free website, free hosting, free domain, all free?

3 - Am I pregnant?

4 - Does he like me?

5 - Miley Cyrus?*

6 - Hannah Montana?*

*anything with these words

What questions would you like to see banned here?

Any question that starts with %26quot;Who thinks that ..%26quot; or %26quot;Does anyone else think/believe ...%26quot;.

As they stand they are pleas to find like minds only. As they are worded, the person asking the question is not inviting ALL would be answers but simply those who agree with them. That makes it a closed session, a chat room or a private club and the question has no place here. Perhaps if those who posted the questions thought it through and phrased them differently I would not object to them. If %26quot;Who thinks that ...%26quot; becomes %26quot; I believe/ think ..., what do you think?%26quot; I would find the questions less offensive.

Another format I see too often is %26quot;For ... only%26quot; Again the person posting the question is trying to form a clique, club, chat room or whatever you want to call it and is trying to restrict opinions and input to a select few. That also is not in the spirit of this forum.

What questions would you like to see banned here?

ones like this:;...

Other Replys:On a scale of 1-10, how do I look? or Am I hot?

Other Replys:Oh, Gosh! All of them are so close! Here%26#039;s a another: %26quot;Am I ugly/pretty?%26quot;

Other Replys:I would like to see questions like %26quot;What questions would you like to see banned here?%26quot; banned.


Other Replys:yeah, i agree with 3 %26amp; 4, both stupid questions.

also this one i saw earlier that was like %26quot;i smashed my *thing* in a toychest.%26quot; that%26#039;s disgusting. i would have reported it but i don%26#039;t like reporting people. but yeah.

Other Replys:ones that talk about if a guy%26#039;s package size is ok.

(Guys, use the tools God put in your tool Box and be happy!!)

Other Replys:1. Am I pretty?

2. Rate me and my friends?

3. Is Britney Spears%26#039; sister pregnant?

The first too are obvious they are seeking attention, and obnoxious. And the last is so over-asked it isn%26#039;t even funny.

Other Replys:None.

If you don%26#039;t like a question - simply ignore it.

Let folks ask what they like.

Other Replys:#3 - how in the h#ll would we know.

if i see that one, i always ignore it.

Other Replys:overall questions that really have no answer, and yes or no questions, but just stupid questions-- stupid questions get stupid answers

Other Replys:#3 for sure needs to be banned!!!!! uggh

Who will win the Stanley Cup?

Other Replys:%26quot;How can i get on Myspace from school%26quot;

%26quot;How can i sneak out at night and go to a party%26quot;

%26quot;Why wont my parents let me drink-im 13 but mature%26quot;

Other Replys:guys (of all ages) asking about their size. WHO CARES ALREADY!!!!

Other Replys:am i pretty? rate me 1-10 LOL

Other Replys:Ones in the hockey that say Who will win the Stanley Cup.

Other Replys:All quistions !!!!!!!!!

Other Replys:Darn, everyone said all the good ones but here are some:

-Am I pregnant?

-Ones about Miley Cyrus, Jamie Lynn Spears, Vanessa Hudgens, Zac Effron etc.

-Does he/she like me?

-Am I pretty? Rate me 1-10

Wow, very annoying.

Business Website?

I%26#039;m starting an internet based business and I need to get a website. What is the best way to go about this? Who should I use? Also explain web hosting and domain names please.

Thanks in advance.

Business Website?

Go to they will be able to help you, they provide everything that you will need to have your own website. They provide complete packages, so you do not have to worry about finding a hosting company, registering your own domain name, building and maintaining your website.

Business Website?

see first of all you need a suitable domanin name ..and then hosting means space where you wil put your site content ..and then gud design according to your business ...

go to and check web designing section wil find all answers ..

Other Replys:first u need to reigster domain under ur name.....................for eg .

second is u need to design ur webpage

third u need web space ftp a/c

finally u can tanfer ur web page to the ftp and config domain name to ut ftp a/c

Other Replys:Best Place to Buy a Domain:

Once you buy a domain will need a hosting account. I would recommend having your site developer recommend the hosting solution as part of the job requirements.

To find a good developer, simply go to or

Once the site is up, you will need to market the website. Be careful. Use a professional like

Other Replys:You need a website domain name such as www. and need a webhost to publish your webpages.

If you are serious about websites either for personal or your business, don%26#039;t go to free web hosting as they are usually not reliable and you may end up losing all your hard work. Free web hosts usually put advertisements on your websites and it could be annoying.

If you like to create websites (usually you will end up more than 1 website), go for multiple web hosting services where you could host all your websites in one account.

I would like to suggest following webhosting , they are excellent.


They offer hosting of %26quot;unlimited domains%26quot; and you will get massive webspace of 200000 MB (200 GB ). They only charge $5.95/month and they offer %26quot;a free Domain Name%26quot; and installing service called %26quot;Fantastico%26quot;. By using Fantastico, you could create own forum, photo gallery, shopping cart (e-commerce),your own auction site and your own blogs within few seconds. They also offer %26quot;Free Website Builder%26quot; as well.

Visit the site to check details.



Following site is quite good to register domains as price is reasonable with free privacy. Some charge about $5/ year just for free privacy.


Other Replys:Need of domain name like ur web site address for people.

but website domain name that is suitable for your business such as www.

and need a webhost to put your webpages on web server.

then simply design some web pages and upload it on web server.

you can find all these services at

Other Replys:The domain name is a yearly registration that allows people to type in a descriptive url to arrive at your site. For example Web hosting is a service that stores your web pages and transfers the information to the people when they arrive at your site.

If your internet based business is going to be for selling goods then you will also need other things like a shopping cart package, ssl certificate, and merchant account.

You can register domain names and get hosting as well as everything needed for an online shopping cart at

Other Replys:I use HostMonster..HostMonster offers the absolute best value for web hosting available today. They have the best combination of features, reliability, speed, and price, as well as the ability to consistently maintain the best customer service in the industry. They also allow you to host UNLIMITED domains and UNLIMITED subdomains with 1 account! They offer UNLIMITED email accounts, extremely generous storage(200G!!!) and bandwidth(2000G!!!) allowance, eCommerce capibility, free setup, free domain for life, tons of free scripts and bonuses, they accept Paypal, and offer a 30-day money back guarantee. They also support PHP, MySQL, Perl, Ruby, SSL and more!

HostMonster offers tons of additional useful web applications such as 100 free MySQL databases, spam protection, web templates, Agora Shopping Cart, OS Commerce, Fantastico script library, Form mail, Guestbook, Bulletin Board, PHP Nuke, Chat, Blogger, Promotion Tools, Image Galleries, Poll/Surveys, Web Auctions, and search engine submitter amongst others.

Whether you are looking to host a personal hobby site or multiple, high-traffic, large eCommerce based storefront sites, HostMonster is currently the best value available.HostMonster also guarantees 99.9% network and server uptime.

The price is only $5.95/month!!!



I know i just asked this but im gonna add a bit to my question?

Anyone know any free web hosting and domain sites (canadian) Not like piczo , i can do html

I know i just asked this but im gonna add a bit to my question?

Microsoft Live.

After getting e-mail from you update:

I understand you are unable to sign up for Microsoft Office Live as it does not provide you the option to select Canada as your country.

Microsoft Office Live is in its beta phase and is only available for customers residing in the United States of America. Customers residing outside the United States of America will not be able to register for the same. Towards the end of 2006 Microsoft Office Live would be launching its service in the select markets outside the United States.

I know i just asked this but im gonna add a bit to my question?

Fortunecity, or Yahoo%26#039;s own free website Geocities. Good luck!

Other Replys:I have no idea... if there are any thing Free Like that..

If you get... can you please send me an offline message,,,to yahoo about the link...



How much minimum space can be bought from a web server to make a site?

There are web servers which gives 1 GB or more space to make a site. Thats more enough to make a site. We need around 20 to 30 MB. Is there any server selling like that? If so what%26#039;s the rate for hosting and domain registraion per year?

thnx one and all.

How much minimum space can be bought from a web server to make a site?

Hey - I%26#039;m with - and they could easily suit your needs!

Go to their site, click on %26quot;Hosting%26quot;, click %26quot;Shared Hosting%26quot; and then click %26quot;Get Quote%26quot;... You%26#039;ll have a custom hosting account built to suit your needs - and only pay for what you ask for! Its the best in the business, and you%26#039;re not paying for space/bandwidth that you%26#039;ll never use. If you would ever need more - just upgrade your account at any time.

Also - check out their affiliate system! Get paid for referrals!

How much minimum space can be bought from a web server to make a site?


Yes, you can take 100MB web hosting. It would cost you around Rs. 300 per year.

For the domain name, it would cost you around Rs. 800



Other Replys:try out 1on or if u want free try or geocities both free webspace for a site

Making a website? what is needed?

Im building a large community website with Webplus 10, i dont really have a clue how this works but im going to sign up to 1%26amp;1 for web hosting and domain etc, is there anything else i need to do, my friend asked if i knew what FTP clients were and said i need it, i didnt know what FTP was, anybody help?

and any tips ?

Making a website? what is needed?

You can find step by step guide on how to create a website at website like

Making a website? what is needed?

That%26#039;s a lot to learn. Just start reading about it, and searching for articles. A good forum is If you want to start a community site without having to know how to do the back-end stuff, try, you can have forums, blogs, wikis, etc.

Other Replys:Hi there,

There are many pieces of website development. I%26#039;ll put it all together for you.

1. You make the website on your computer. This can be as simple as a few HTML files and some links, right up to powerful interactive websites with database connectivity.

2. You get someone with dedicated computer (server) to put your created websites files out there available for people on the Internet. This is called hosting. there are many hosting options for you to research when it becomes applicable.

3. Domain name registration. The Host site will give you a site that says somthing like

which sucks really, so you get a Domain name like and that will link to the host.

So whats FTP? FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. You need it generally when you want to put (transfer) your files onto the hosts computer. There is many software clients which do this, just do a google search.

What else to you need to learn? Nothing much, some web development training or tutorials would go a long way.

Hope this enlightens you a little

Other Replys:You can start easily with a web editor like front page 2000 or the popular free NVU. Then maybe start by signing up with a free host (e.g. Netfirms Basic - but there are many, e.g. the popular, many which have their own free web editors). Then upload your site to your host (use a free FTP program to upload your site - e.g. core FTP). Then you can promote it in forums, search engines, directories, etc, if you want.

You could start with a blog as well, e.g. try blogger, or use the simple Google Page Creator (You need a Gmail account) - easy to set up for a beginner.

Later on though, it might pay to learn html/JavaScript/PHP etc, which allows more flexibility to design and modify your web site. Then maybe upgrade to a paid host and domain, which will possibly yield more features (scripting, bandwidth, increased storage space, email accounts, etc) and more ownership of your site...

Other Replys:Hi,

When choosing a web host it%26#039;s of course important to consider the cost (some hosting can be very expensive) but here are some other important things you should take into consideration too:

Web Hosting Space: Some web hosts will only give you 500MB or so of space. This could be a concern if you are looking at creating large websites.

Bandwidth: Some web hosts will severely limit the bandwidth you can use before you incur extra charges.

Uptime: There%26#039;s no point in having a website if people can%26#039;t see it. Does your web host offer at least a 99% uptime guarantee?

Number of websites allowed: If you%26#039;re looking to host more than one website on your account, will your web host charge you more to do this?

Support: If you have any problems you need to be able to contact your web host quickly and easily to get the problem sorted.

I have used Hostgator as my web host for over two years now and have been very very impressed with them. Firstly they%26#039;re very cheap but still give me more web hosting space and bandwidth than I%26#039;ll ever need, the ability to host unlimited websites, a 99.9% uptime guarantee and great customer support. You can find them at

Webhosting with Godaddy question?

Hey I have the .htm file and its components complete, I bought the hosting and domain name package, went to FTP server and could not connect, is this even where I would be organizing the website layout? This is really new to me, thx for help.

Webhosting with Godaddy question?

Did you change the nameserver to point to godaddy, if yes allow 24-48 hours, then you can ftp, is ping working ?

Webhosting with Godaddy question?

FTP = File Transfer Protocall

Other Replys:From buying the domain to putting it on the host.

FTP - File Trasnfer Protocol

Is more difficult than a live install. Like using front page. see if your host offers such live changes.

FTP - What you will be doing is making changes on your computer and then transfering the files to the host.

If you connect with a program like front page or something that your host offers you can log on and make changes to the files that already exist on their server live.



Please rate this web design?

hi friends,

please check this site

is this design worth 25$ or higher?

dont include the hosting and domain charges,

i like to know the design charges! please leave your opinion

thank you!

Please rate this web design?

Design is bogus.... can give 2$... not more.

Some observations

1) %26quot;Home Sitemap Contact%26quot; at the top are not working....

2) The forms that come after clicking on %26quot;Contact US%26quot; and %26quot;Feed back%26quot; should not allow empty fields to be accepted... its allowing blank information to be sent right now.

3) After clicking %26quot;Testimonials%26quot; the loaded page has no gap/space between the text and the picture.

4) The header can be made a narrow... its too large... kills the page... if its narrow then complete information can be viewed without scrolling down.

Please rate this web design?

i think that is tto much it is really nothing on the page but puictures of people and writing u need to add a little bit more stuff if u really want to attract a crowed. Report It

Other Replys:Server not found error orrcu while loading this page

Other Replys:Mcaffee warning: this site is known as spaming customers when enter their emails!

Are you the guy wth the white hair?

Other Replys:It%26#039;s not working. Some hosts may take time to assemble the files depending on hwo you have it set up. Also, check to make sure you aren%26#039;t over your space quota.

Other Replys:this is normal web site design. i think $25 is much more for this kind of static HTML design. u may have good work compare to this, simply check

Other Replys:yes its worthed coz the quality has been very low.

Other Replys:Buddy, theres nothing like design in this... i think $25 is way too much for this. Frankly telling you any kid of 10-15 years can design this.

In case you looking for design work try this ( i%26#039;ll be able to give u much much better designs.

Anybody need a Website?

I am a student studying Web Design and I need to build some professional websites. If anybody knows of a business that needs one built, please let me know.

The business would have to pay for hosting and domain, but I would be willing to volunteer my services in order to build my resume.


Anybody need a Website?

I would be interested but need some info from you. Where are you located? What programs do you use (AI, Photoshop, FP, Dreamweaver, etc)? Do you have any protfolio examples?

Let me know. My Web business could use a little help.


Anybody need a Website?

hmmm.........i don%26#039;t need no websites.....sorry bout that...

but you could just make some of interested in some kind of space, planets and u know all information bout NASA!

i love studyin bout space and;s interesting!!


Other Replys:Would you consider doing one for a community service organization?

We are a small conservation commission in a small community. We are all volunteers and hope to solicit more community involvement by having a site where folks could learn more about our work and how they could help us.How can I reach you privately to give you more specific info?

Other Replys:Me

I have been asked a number of times if I would build websites for people BUT what and how much shoul

I work on my companies website and our church website and have a few of my own. I have been asked many times if I would build sites for others in our town. I could really use the extra money and have been doing a little research. Should I have the client pay me up front for one a year of hosting and domain and set the account up myself? Or should I have them do that? What should I charge to do this service? Should I charge a set fee to build the site and then so much an hour to maintain it? Any help on this or any ideas would be greatly apprecitated. Thanks in advanced.

I have been asked a number of times if I would build websites for people BUT what and how much should I charge

You have to put a price on your time and charge an hourly rate.

But when you do... they will want results.

It is better to practice first and estimate how long it would take you to build a new website from scratch.

How long it will take you depends very much of what they want. And how big the website will be.

The biggest job is to design the homepage and a template for all the other pages. Unless you are really good at it... those two will require almost 2 days work before you are satisfy with them. It of course includes the job of building the menus.

Setting up the domain and hosting them is a separate job... which is no big deal to you... but might be a big deal for them.

By law... they should purchase the domain under their own name. But you can setup the DNS for them.

For the hosting... you can host them on your own hosting account if you have one. Otherwise... choose an hosting service for them... and ask them to sign up with it.

If you don%26#039;t trust them to pay you for your work... I would most definitely ask them some money up front before starting.

And I would not do anything before they purchased the domain and the hosting service. Once they did that... at least you know they mean business.

I have been asked a number of times if I would build websites for people BUT what and how much should I charge

It depends on the size of the website. You can either do one from scratch, which should be a small site...perhaps with 4-6 pages, or one thats gonna have 20 pages, which you should use a CMS software to create. I am curently working with a group of people whose starting a new company running 2 websites and they purchased everything for me: the domains, server, and purchased PHPcow to create the pages (see These are the sites:

Lots of sections therefore phpcow is used to save time. 100.00 to download plus domain and server purchased seperately.

Therefore it depends on your client. I would charge to work on it and then so much an hr to maintain. Thats my plan cuz I want to do the same thing for others as well. Just take into consideration the materials you need for it to work. Make sure you have a contract just in case. Its a lot of work so just charging 200 is low. Depending on the size I%26#039;d go with at least 600 or more.

hope I explained well. heres my personal site, its small and I did it from scratch.

Other Replys:If you have the skills to build and maintain websites (which it sounds like you do) you can definitely make some money doing that. Personally I like to handle the hosting and domain myself, it leads to less issues with a client not renewing services, forgetting account info etc. I would bill about 6 weeks before the renewal is due to make sure your covered. I would also recommend billing hourly so you don%26#039;t get caught in a bad fixed bid situation. As far as what to charge can really depend on your location and what exactly your doing (static HTML pages, design, Database/SQL, programming etc.) $25-$75 from simplest to hardest.

Other Replys:I would charge a certain fee per year for hosting, I would look at the cost involved of hosting someones website, then add a little markup so that you can make a profit. I would ask for this fee before the year that you will be hosting. I would setup the hosting and domain for them, this way you know how it is done etc. I would charge a flat setup fee then a hosting fee. The setup fee would be a charge for you time + any expenses. so adjust your price accordingly.

When building/maintaining a site for someone the price will depend how good you are, and how much your time is worth. If you can provide high end sites you can of course charge more for those than what you would for a simple site.

I would charge a certain amount for the building of the site, then so much a month for maintanince. Depending on the site. If you realize that the site would need daily maintanince you could increase your price.

For a staring point most web programmers can make anywhere between $50,000 to over a $100,000 a year depending on their experience, abilities etc.

So the low end per hour would (assuming 50,000/year) be around $26.00/hr.

high end: $52.00/hr.

Other Replys:One option is:

Get paid monthly for hosting if you offer it

Get paid for registering a domain just only when you do it

Get paid once for the website designing and programming

Get paid monthly if your client needs to change frequently the info on the website