
Friday, October 30, 2009

How to start selling online?

How to start selling online without using and I know some basic html.

Just bought a domain name and hosting and wish to start with an e-commerce app.

How to start selling online?


Hello! Congrats on your first domain and hosting service.

Well, if you%26#039;re opposed to PayPal, then you%26#039;ll be pretty hindered from making it very far online. Before I go any further, ask yourself, %26quot;Why do I not want a PayPal account?%26quot;

I%26#039;m also curious to find out exactly what product you%26#039;re trying to sell. (I teach people how to start home businesses, that%26#039;s why I%26#039;m so interested!)

So, when choosing your product, always try to think through these steps:

1. Find a problem, need, or want in people%26#039;s lives

2. Address the problem and solve it

3. Create a website and business selling your solution

4. Make sure that there%26#039;s a demand for your product

5. Market your solution to the people with the problem

6. Review how well it%26#039;s working/not working

Once you have a product(s) in mind, then it%26#039;s time to put them on your website.

After that%26#039;s all done, you need some way to accept payments that is 100% secure.

PayPal is by FAR the easiest! All you have to do is copy and paste some code onto your site and you%26#039;ll have it done.

After that, it%26#039;s time for some marketing. This is the hardest part! Just three tips:

Here are some things that you%26#039;ll HAVE to do in order to succeed in this business:

1. Become an expert on the subject.

Most people are not doing this, so you%26#039;ll have an edge up. Start marketing yourself in forums, chatrooms, and blogs as an expert on whatever topic you are selling. Find out why your product is better than anyone else%26#039;s, and build relationships with people. When the time is right, tell them why they should buy from you.

2. Give away tons of free samples of your product.

With online business, it%26#039;s really easy to find 100000 websites that sell the same thing. Make people able to TRUST your website by giving away your product for free, and then by having people write back in and saying how well it%26#039;s worked for them. Otherwise, people won%26#039;t trust you, and they%26#039;ll just leave.

3. Come up with, and market, your USP.

(Unique Selling Point) You need to show people why you%26#039;re better than anyone else!

Anyways, I hoped this helped. This stuff is just the TIP of the iceberg of marketing and making business online!

Good luck!


P.S. My father always told me, %26quot;There%26#039;s only ONE way to make money in ANY business - blood, sweat, and tears...%26quot;

How to start selling online?

I have tried Yahoo Web Hosting, Gator Web Hosting, Godaddy Hosting and many others but found this the best ...

Their customer service is Number 1 in Hosting Industry and you can host unlimited sites within the same account.

Control panel is the easiest to configure.

Help database they have is awesome.

Hope this helps your needs....

Good Luck...

Other Replys:you should check out

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