I want to create my own webpage with my own domain. To start off, I will need to register a domain and getting a hosting service. Can anyone make some suggestions for the best quality for the lowest price. I dont expect hardly any traffic, it is more of a webpage for myself and friends, but I would like a few email addresses as well. Thanks for the help.
If I want to create my own webpage, what are the best services for the cheapest price I should use?
For personal site you don%26#039;t have to have your own domain.
You can sign up for free web space either at geocities.com or tripod.com
Then go to http%26quot;//www.htmlgoodies.com and there you can learn all you need to know about web design
If I want to create my own webpage, what are the best services for the cheapest price I should use?
i use http://www.bluehost.com
great prices for the services they offer. $7.95 per month.
for 12month.
or $95.40 for the year.
Other Replys:閳藉應妲?FREE GEOCITIES HOMEPAGE 閳藉應妲?/p>
閳?Signup for the free Geocities homepage here http://geocities.yahoo.com/ps/learn2/How... Be careful Yahoo likes to fool you so you will accidentally signup for one of their premium (paid) accounts. They will misguide you if you let them. Here is a page that will take you on a tour http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/geo/tour/t...
閳?NOTE: Most people don%26#039;t bother reading the help pages. Be smart and skim through them so you%26#039;ll know where to get help when you need it in a hurry.
閳?Yahoo Main Menu - Links to all sections of Yahoo.
閳?Yahoo Help Link - Top of all Yahoo pages.
閳?Geocities Help Link - Top of all Geocities pages.
閳?At the bottom of every Yahoo and Geocities page is a shortcut menu.
閳?Yahoo Geocities has completely redone their internal site. Now it is much easier to find the tools you%26#039;ll need to build or update your homepage. You%26#039;ll find the Geocities Control Panel here...
閳?File Manager
閳?Launch Yahoo Pagebuilder
閳?Wise Old Man%26#039;s Pagebuilder Help - BEST
Hundreds Of Categories Here
閳?Wise Old Man%26#039;s PageWizard Help - BEST
閳?Yahoo%26#039;s Pagebuilder Tutorial
閳?Yahoo%26#039;s Pagebuilder Help
閳?Yahoo Answers Beta - Get quick answers here.
閳?Yahoo%26#039;s Pagebuilder is in a pop-up window. If you have pop-up blockers hold down the CTRL key to bypass them when you click on the %26quot;Launch Pagebuilder%26quot; link on this page http://geocities.yahoo.com/v/pb.html There is also a help button inside Pagebuilder.
閳?Internet Explorer 6.0 or newer for Windows XP has a built-in pop-up blocker. It is here TOOLS %26gt; POP-UP BLOCKER %26gt; TURN ON POP-UP BLOCKER/TURN OFF POP-UP BLOCKER
閳?When you are having trouble with Pagebuilder try one of these helpful forums http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ygcpagebui... and Geocities message boards http://messages.yahoo.com/yahoo/Computer...
ALSO TRY THIS http://www.taos-art.org/pb/launch.html add these links to your favorites
Other Replys:www.piczo.com iz da best
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