
Friday, October 30, 2009

What is the estimated cost of setting up a website?

This includes domain registration and hosting, software (if any), licenses, etc.

Also how long (estimate) does it take one I get started?

What is the estimated cost of setting up a website?

1: Domain Registration can run between free to $8.95 for the first year. If it%26#039;s free the 1st year wait till you get the bill for year 2.

2: Hosting, I use for my domain registration and web hosting, I have 2 personal sites and 18 business sites I do for clients. Customer Service is excellent and 100% uptime. Prices vary on hosting, they offer month to month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, annual, etc. Shared hosting or dedicated server. Unless your running a lot of applications and a huge e-commerce site shared hosting will work well.

2B: Plan on an e-commerce site, you will need to spend more money for SSL certificates, programming of the shopping carts even if they are the free open source types.

3: Software, this is where you can loose your shirt. I have Adobe CS2 $1,500 or close too it, Flash $600, Microsoft FrontPage 2003, $165. been a while since I purchased that office program. There is Dreamweaver, and a lot of other programs. Suggest you Google search for WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editors for making your website. Most HTML editors will allow for a 15-30 day free trial download.

4: Google offers wonderful free products for assisting you with your website such as Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, Code etc.

5: A good Title name, Description and Keyword meta tags will help, a sitemap and search engine submit you can submit to all search engines Google, MSN, Yahoo and DMOZ for free.

From the time you purchase your domain and hosting package you can have a web presence within minutes.


Suggest that you check out Google AdWords for revenue and traffic. You need to be more specific in For People and charge, this will require SSL, you%26#039;ll need a paypal account or credit card processing account. And contrary to what you%26#039;ll read in Yahoo Answers to make any $$ you%26#039;ll need a lot of clicks from Ad Words. Best way to get traffic and money is to sell advertising space, which will annoy your clients/users.


Oh Yea! Nothing is Free. You might not own the domain name, and after a peorid of time your site will vanish, you%26#039;ll have no technical support or assistance so you better know your programming and servers. You can have garbage ad%26#039;s placed on your site that will not generate you any revenue, these ad%26#039;s could not be related to your sites content or mission (values)

Best to put a business plan together and make a presentation to whom you%26#039;d like to sell your idea too for putting up the seed money and programming.

If I can be of further assistance please place questions in additional details.

What is the estimated cost of setting up a website?

That depends on if your going to write it yourself. I wrote and published one for under 10 bucks. Go is my webhost cost 6.99 a year included domain name at that time. took me a few days to put mine together.

Other Replys:Depends on various things -

Is it a personal or commercial website; personal hosting can cost as little as $5 month - big commercial one where train load of visitor come will cost a lot due to large traffic volumes

Domain name I think is as cheap as $10

You need a web design company to build it for you if the goal is commercial; however you can use many easy tools to make ur own website yourself.

Apart from these paid solutions you can go for absolutely free solutions as starters - try

good luck

Other Replys:Simple website by Microsoft Workspace is free. It is very limited but free is good.

The answer to other commercial developments depends upon who you chose to do the site and how complicated it has to be. Do you design it or hire someone? Do you manage it or have a webmaster? Do you sell things and need an ordering and payment system with security? Does the site change regularly?

Answers to these will provide a great range of potential cost.

Other Replys:You can find out step by step guide on how to create a website at

You can even earn from adsense using your website.

Or else you can contact a web designer at freelance website like .

Other Replys:it takes about a year to get started and between 1,000 to 1,000,000 dollars to start

Other Replys:You will get it for free If your are determined to do....

Domain name registration


If need only a domain,just get into

There will be no ads.

If you need a .com ,.org or .net domain ,you should go to

simply find 7 refferals and grab your domain name.


Hosting and Designing


You can get and publish website for free at

But i recommend for cool designes and Hosting.


So ,now you have domain name ,Hosting and Cool design for free!.

Thats why i said %26quot;You will get it for free If your are determined to do....%26quot;

Good luck

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