
Friday, October 30, 2009

Membership, Password protection login for website?

Hi ive bought a domain, purchased a host package.

(basic beginners hosting)

I have used the host website builder for my website but im struggling.

1. I dont seem to be able to load any of my own buttons etc to use for hyperlinks. The host only provides taps at the top.

2. I want to set up a membership/login system but have no idea where to start. Any help would be really appreciated.

3. The webpages seem to start quite far across the page, for example there is a colum on the left of the page that does not let you type or put anything into it.. i cant work out why...

4. If i were to create my own webpages from my own web building software, how can i upload it to my domain? there doesnt seem to be a place that allows me to do this on my host.

sorry this is a long question...thanks

Membership, Password protection login for website?

1,3. Website builders are only good for really basic sites. I wouldn%26#039;t recommend using it. You can use graphical html editors such as dreamweaver or frontpage.

2. This can be done using a combination of PHP/HTML. Go to for good tutorials.

4. Your host most probably has FTP upload capabilities. Ask them if they do, and download FileZilla (an FTP client).

Membership, Password protection login for website?

%26gt;%26gt;1. I dont seem to be able to load any of my own buttons etc to use for hyperlinks. The host only provides taps at the top.

You need to ask them - are you using a WYSIWYG editor that they provide?

%26gt;%26gt;2. I want to set up a membership/login system but have no idea where to start. Any help would be really appreciated

A server side language (ASP, .NET, PHP) and a database (MS Access, MSSQL, or mysql) usually is the easiest. PHP is usually better on *NIX and ASP / .NET on Windows servers - what are you on?

%26gt;%26gt;3. The webpages seem to start quite far across the page, for example there is a colum on the left of the page that does not let you type or put anything into it.. i cant work out why...

Probably the WYSIWYG editor. Source code / URL would really help. You need to layout your site using divides or tables. Most use divides now but some people find using tables easier

%26gt;%26gt;4. If i were to create my own webpages from my own web building software, how can i upload it to my domain? there doesnt seem to be a place that allows me to do this on my host.

Most provide an FTP account to upload information. This would be better off if you asked them this question. There are thousands of hosting companies and each one has their own TOS and a way of doing things. But 99% of them will allow you to upload you own files. If you need a new hosting company - might be one to consider

Other Replys:Regarding #1, you%26#039;ll need to upload the buttons before you can access them. For example, create a directory called %26quot;img%26quot; upload your graphics to that directory and access them with %26lt;img src=%26quot;/img/button.png%26quot; /%26gt; (see answers to #3 and #4)

#2 - Membership system

You%26#039;ll either need to build one yourself, or purchase one.

Here are a couple to get you started,



Full disclosure, I own GenieGate.

#3 This is an HTML issue, the firs thing to do is work out the file names to their associated pages. For example, page.html.

Then edit page.html in a text editor or HTML editor, you should learn a little about HTML before doing this. (but see #4)

Actually, when you discover the hows and wheres of this, it%26#039;s really easy to do, but you have to take a few minutes and learn about ftp and such first, you%26#039;ll have understood why your own graphics aren%26#039;t being used for hyperlinks.

#4 - Check into your ISP%26#039;s ftp configuration, (or much *much* better, use sftp for security)

First step, get an (S)FTP program

Second step, ftp into your host. Often, this is the same as your domain name. (I realize this answer probably sounds like gibberish if you haven%26#039;t used ftp before.)

I recommend you get and explore ftp, the rest will make a LOT more sense after you%26#039;ve done that.

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