
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can i host my site on my own computer?

I have a domain name. I wish to host my own site. I have a 512 kbps broadband connection with a dedicated server in my office.Now I wish to host my site for myself. Is it possible? If yes, then plz tell me how to do it?

Can i host my site on my own computer?

Yes, you can.

(Only one question at a time)


Can i host my site on my own computer?

if u have a free webspace with your internet connection,yes

and you can point the domain name to it.

Other Replys:Your office might have a firewall, that will prevent others accessing your site. So check that factor out.

To host a site:

1. You need to install an INternet Server like Apache, IIS.

2. Build your site using HTML, Javascript, Flash etc.

3. Assign the Unique IP address or obtain one, assign it.

You are on the go...

Other Replys:yes u can.u must have pws%26lt;--it%26#039;s program

and visit this free hosthing too

free and no bnner ,add

Other Replys:Of Course.

Other Replys:yes, u can.

there are more sites where u can host free like

or u can search on yahoo for this.if u want then i can sent u an invitation of

Other Replys:It is easier to find a free host but if you%26#039;re intent on hosting locally here are a list of free webserver programs you can use:

Dependong on your setup you may also have to forward ports on your router/wireless router to allow outside connections in as well as other setup to get it to properly work.

Other Replys:Yes.Just type in and it let%26#039;s you create your free websites.All you have to do is download it and then it will be one of those little icons at the page of your computer and just make whatever you want and when your done just clone it and save it.Then click on File and go to publish fill it in and then you%26#039;ll have your own website.Hope I could help

Other Replys:If you have Windows XP Pro you can. Go to the help section and type in domain. It will explain this for you.

Other Replys:Ya you can host from your computer.

If you are using windows it should be a server edition.otherwise you have to install one utility called

%26#039;APACHE Server%26#039; . and i think it is free.

you have to register your own domainfirst of all but it needs some money.

but going for free webhosting means all the data will be stored in the server of the website provider.and u need no windows server package or apache program.

Other Replys:Security problems are sometimes found in server software, and these can be exploited to gain access to or damage your files. Your computer must be kept absolutely up to date with Windows Update or the equivalent for your operating system if you intend to run a web server on it. If you choose to run Apache instead of Internet Information Server, you%26#039;ll need to keep your version of Apache absolutely up to date too. This doesn%26#039;t eliminate the risk -- it only minimizes it. You run a server at home entirely at your own risk. If you do choose to run a server at home, I recommend finding an old PC on the curb and setting it up as your home server, reducing the danger to your own computer.

Procedures for other operating systems are similar, and most of these steps actually involve your router, so this article should still be helpful to non-Windows users. Here are the steps to follow to set up a web site hosted entirely on your own Windows PC. First I%26#039;ll present the general steps, then I%26#039;ll break down the details for you:

1. Make sure you have cable modem, DSL or another high-speed connection. A dialup telephone modem is NOT good enough.

2. Get a DNS hostname for your home Internet connection.

3. Get a static local IP address for your computer within your home network.

4. Configure your router to correctly forward connections on port 80 (the HTTP port) to your web server. If your ISP blocks port 80, choose an alternative port number and forward that (or get a better ISP that welcomes web sites at home, like Speakeasy.Net).

5. Configure Windows Firewall to allow your web server to communicate on port 80.

6. Get Apache, a free, high-quality web server program. If you have Windows XP Professional, you also have the option of Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), which comes standard with Windows XP Professional.

7. Test your web server from your own computer.

8. Replace the default home page with your own web page. Now the site is your own!

9. Test your web server from a computer that is NOT on your home network to make sure you followed all of the steps correctly.

And that%26#039;s it! Now I%26#039;ll present detailed information about each step.

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